I loved it as a kid (when it came out, loved the robots and the setting) but it was critically not well liked in general. So, I don’t think it holds up after the nostalgia wears off.
Though, it could easily be remade with a more coherent plot and cool special effects. Lol, could be out of the skill set of whomever they have making re-boots now, given the crap I watched on Disney+ lately.
Meanwhile an animated remake of Batteries Not Included or The Black Hole…languishes.
Batteries Not Included is one of my all-time favorites
The Black Hole is a fantastic movie (at least if memory serves, it’s been awhile) that nobody seems to have heard of.
I loved it as a kid (when it came out, loved the robots and the setting) but it was critically not well liked in general. So, I don’t think it holds up after the nostalgia wears off.
Though, it could easily be remade with a more coherent plot and cool special effects. Lol, could be out of the skill set of whomever they have making re-boots now, given the crap I watched on Disney+ lately.