Not saying the sentiment is wrong, but that was a pretty lame article.
so you’re not saying something, but saying something not-that? ish? sorta? if one squints? with no detail?
wow, wonderful contribution. brb calling Plato to inform them of their dethroning in the face of your mighty reason
Sorry, I’ll try it with crayons:
While I don’t disagree with the overall message of the article (I agree that there are a lot of reasons that AI is bad), the article itself is of poor quality (in my humble opinion), which might save someone else from wasting the 30 seconds it will take to read it. As another commentor pointed out, it seems likely that this article — arguing that AI is bad — was indeed, somewhat paradoxically, itself written by AI.
In an attempt to be helpful, I will, however, share a link to the article, which will allow others to avoid the paywall, and thus form their own opinion on the matter, seeing as the original link does not allow anyone to actually read the article in question, due to said paywall.
I’m sorry that my comment annoyed you enough to warrant the scathing review and analysis; I do, however, feel that it might be based on a somewhat flawed interpretation of what I actually wrote, possibly due to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex (conceivably age related), or poor education, or both, combined with low impulse control (conceivably age- and/or diagnosis related).
Either way, I hope you have a great day, and good luck with life.
I love the smell of ban-worthy levels of condescension in the morning.
Comment was about as shallow as the article, so only fitting. It just listed same talkikg points, that are common in AI critique, didn’t even present those particularly well, didn’t bring anything new to the convo.
I would had been all in on reading actually decent in depth AI critique.
But this was just “top 10 talking points for AI haters we can hate together”. I’m a AI hater but I don’t want to read low quality junk media that just confirms my bias without nuance.
So sorry you wasted the five seconds it took to tell that the thing someone felt like sharing was not, in fact, the latest volume of the Oxbridge Handbook of Deep Analysis and Arguments for the Ages.
Weird hill to die on, gn.
I’m not dying on a hill; I’m saying that you’re coming off as a pompous twit who will get themselves banned from the community the moment I or the other mods find your pompous twittery no longer amusing.
Edit to add: Whoops! That already happened whilst I was typing the above. Enjoy your free trip to the egress.
oh do fuck off