Boomers waiting until something affects them directly before making the right decision? I’m sure no one saw that coming.
I appreciate that the whole generation isn’t that way, but at the same time, the number of Boomers I have personally interacted with who have absolutely no understanding that they are not the main character is way too damn high. A little empathy would go a long way, especially when many of them in the Boomer voting bloc are too old to ever see the effects of their vote.
Boomers waiting until something affects them directly before making the right decision? I’m sure no one saw that coming.
I appreciate that the whole generation isn’t that way, but at the same time, the number of Boomers I have personally interacted with who have absolutely no understanding that they are not the main character is way too damn high. A little empathy would go a long way, especially when many of them in the Boomer voting bloc are too old to ever see the effects of their vote.
It’s straight outta the conservative playbook. It’s how their entire rotten brains work.