For Europeans, who don’t understand: In America they have limits on mobile data in single digits of GB.
As a German over 20 I very much understand
Canada too, our telecom companies are… bad
I got into the habit of downloading anything I wanted to watch / read on the bus. That offline reddit app was nice, and even though I don’t need it now I’d probably download a lemmy version of it
I also set up an IFTTT thing back then which would turn off data and turn on wifi based on location
Depending on the contract you sign. Some have unlimited data options, others have only a couple gigs. But back in the early days of mobile data, unlimited options were rare and going beyond your limit meant potentially hundreds more in expenses for the month
When I got my first cellphone, I had VERY few minutes I could call, and texts were very expensive.
I’m so thankful I have infinite data now hahaha
Hungary here: following in the US’s footsteps once again.
I had 400mb a month for years and it was plenty for me (European).
I guess that can work if you’re basically just texting. But that’s barely enough for 2 youtube videos. I don’t think that qualifies as “plenty” for most people.
I have 1GB/m and rarely use half of it. I just don’t watch YT when I’m outside. And it’s plenty for looking at beans on Lemmy.
Image compression is good enough that even when browsing Lemmy regularly I don’t use more than 200mb and I only watch videos at home or very rarely download them onto my phone in advance (I do this for music especially).
I really don’t know why people have so much data. I currently have some weird contract where it’s cheaper to get 50gb than something reasonable so I’m not even careful anymore.
I go through 400mb a DAY
A single song can be half that in lossless hahaha
So why not download it?
Oh I have a 300GB music collection, but I also stream random stuff while I work. My music streaming service has High-Res Lossless and songs range from 100MB to 500+
I also download tons of podcasts and stream hours of video while I work. I use HEAPS of mobile data. I would die if I was limited to a couple gigs hahaha
And Canada unfortunately.
UK here, I pay £5 a month for 3GB. I could pay more for more, but I don’t really need it.
Honestly I think most people have unlimited nowadays but other plans definitely exist
I pay 18.16 euros for unlimited data calls texts
Do you get throttled if you go over a certain limit?
I’m Canadian and we’re all getting FLEECED.
No, last month I used little over a terabyte without persecutions
Daaaaaaaaaaamn. If only our sovereignty wasn’t under constant threat I’d resume my efforts to move to Europe.
Yes, most providers have it in fine print somewhere, but it’s usually only after using hundreds of GBs.So I realized this might be old information and checked. My provider now states that its users always have a right to the maximum attainable network speed, and I can’t find any restrictions on that.
Daaaang that’s amazing!
But also:
No, they just have both options.
Wait you don’t get unlimited data? With a fair usage policy.
Lol what? That shit is often 10x worse in Europe
What’s worse in Europe? Nothing that has to do with internet access is worse in Europe.
France, Spain, Italy, Greece had fucking terrible mobile data options when I spent time there and speeds were awful, unlimited data plans were unreasonably expensive.
It was like that in many nations until very recently
Ok, I don’t know about those. In Poland and Denmark internet is dirt cheap and You get coverage everywhere.
Meanwhile, here I am with a €5 a month,100GB plan, of which I manage to use hardly less than 10% every month.
Seed some torrents for the rest of us
I intend to, the moment I get my new system uo and running.
unlimited for $25 here and it’s pretty nice.
I can get unlimited for €15, I think. But I really don’t need it.
Where I live, you can spend triple that amount for just SMS and Calling.
What app are you using?
Here in europe we turn off the wifi intentionally when at home, since 5G is often faster
In rural UK I have unlimited 4g data and use hotspot for my PC’s internet connection. It’s about the same as the copper line would be so I don’t bother with it.
Can’t relate, am european.
Laughs in unlimited
This post literally reminded me I had my WiFi turned off and that I needed to turn it back on, thank you stranger.
Are people not aware that 5G unlimited plans are cheap and plentiful now?
Find a MVNO that works for you and enjoy all the data.
Not here in Canada. The telecoms have a huge monopoly that they abuse to jack prices up to ridiculous amounts. 5G + Unlimited is well over 100 CAD where I am.
You’re joking right?
Those are Vidéotron’s prices
And Bell is barely any better.
Canadian telecoms fucking suck.
We are. This meme is just 10 years old.
What’s your pick/recommendations? Mint mobile has been nice with excellent coverage by T-Mobile.
I’ve read/heard plenty of good things about Mint.
I currently use Visible, which runs on Verizon’s network. I pay annually for the Visible+ plan and it’s been great.
Previously I used Metro which runs on T-Mobile.
I like US mobile. Can choose from 3 networks (T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T). They also have multi-network, but haven’t tried it; Verizon is the only network that has good coverage at my home.
>When you watch porn on your phone, but you notice that you are not connected to Wi-Fi.
How do people use so much data? I’ve been on 6 hours and I barely use 10gb
6 hours
barely 10GB
Install a couple windows games maybe?
on a phone?
Phones make great hotspots for laptops.
ok but then it wasn’t accidental
It could be if you forgot that you set it up that way.
Voyager needed 950 MB the last 30 days.
Edit: we’ve been wooshed?
Prepaid, my phone credit only lasts a month, whether I use it or not. So I’m actually always on wifi, or offline
This was me in the old days. Fortunately, unlimited 5G and wifi at work and home negates this issue. And for times when you don’t get one. That 1-2GB is sufficient.
That’s me when i go out and forgot to turn off wifi.
We are not the same.
I would say I can relate, but even my very first smartphone automatically connected to Wifi
Many people turn WiFi off when leaving the house as they don’t want it randomly trying to connect to other networks.
Then you forget to turn it back on. Although with unlimited data I don’t really care.
You can easily set a routine that turns on Wifi when you’re home and off when you leave.
You can, but as I said I don’t really care if I forget as I have unlimited data.
I do have some cool shortcuts though. Like turning off rotation lock when opening a streaming app. Or double tapping the back of the phone to flip a coin. My favourite is one that if I click it will search Giphy for Cats and send one to a friend who doesn’t really like cats and I like to annoy them.
What phone are you using that doesnt automatically enable wifi again when at home? Is this not the default? I think all mine had this in the last decade
So I’m using an iPhone, the horror, and it has three states for WiFi:
- State 1 - WiFi is connected to an SSID.
- State 2 - WiFi is NOT connected to an SSID but is actively scanning for networks to join.
- State 3 - WiFi is NOT connected to an SSID AND is NOT scanning for networks to join.
If you pull down the control centre and toggle WiFi here, you end up in state 2. If you go to settings > WiFi and turn it off here, you end up in state 3.
There are other settings but this is how I’ve always handled it.
You can set Ask to Join Networks to Ask or Notify otherwise it will join what it wants.
Auto join hotspot is set to no.
How does your phone know your home without connection to the wifi?
Using location data
Because all wifi devices never fully disable themselves. So it just detects the SSID is in range. Or alternatively it could do so by your location (which is also wifi enhanced, hence why they don’t fully disable)
Indeed, there seems to be an option called “intelligent wifi” on Android. Luckily my phone doesn’t have it.
Intelligent wifi is something else i believe, and Samsung only? I’m talking about auto connect which is part of android since version 9. That said, even if you don’t have that function, that doesn’t mean its not passively scanning your wifi environment anyway.
I’m talking about auto connect which is part of android since version 9. That said, even if you don’t have that function, that doesn’t mean its not passively scanning your wifi environment anyway.
I have android 11 and if I turn off my wifi it will stay turned off until I turn it on. And that I wouldn’t want it any other way.
edit: Found the option to disable “wifi scanning to improve location” and did.
Seems plenty for just 3 hours?