For context, I have no idea on how to take care of plants, but I’d like these three baby plants I bought to thrive.

I’d also love to snip them every now and then when I’m cooking, making a salad or a tea etc.

Right now each plant is quite young and in small plastic pots. The chocolate mint is already about 8-12 inches tall. The lemon balm and orange thyme are both less than 5 inches tall.

My questions where I’d love your advice are:

  • How often should I water these plants?
  • They’re all newly bought and in disposable plastic containers. When I repot them, will it be dangerous to mix their current soil and the generic store bought soil I’m planning to get?
  • How fast do these plants grow? Should I be optimistic and already buy semi-large pots, even though they’re quite tiny right now?
  • Any other general tips to care for these plants?

Appreciate your advice, whether it’s plant-specific or applies to all the three plants. Thanks in advance!

    1 year ago
    1. mint n’ balm to my knowledge like moist-but-well-draining soil. I’d check daily to see if the top inch or so of the soil is dry and water when it is.

    2. naw, generic is fine. You picked hardy herbs!

    3. if you were planting these outside and in the ground, I’d be cautioning you that they were about to take over your entire flower bed and suggesting you grow them in pots instead.

    3.1. You can transplant your seedlings straight into big ol pots, they’ll be fine. Don’t get ones that are too small, and don’t plant them in the same pot. They like to spread out!

    3.2. I’m serious, though, don’t plant them in the ground. If you ever move the pots outside for a while, keep them on concrete away from beds where they could spread seeds or runners.

    1. pick a real sunny spot in your house-- where I live these lil guys would thrive best at a southern or western facing window.

    2. pinch the flower buds off as you see 'em to force the plant to spend more time on the foliage and less on flowers and seeds.

    3. if you fertilizer, (big if, it likely doesn’t need it for a while if the soil is fresh from the store) pick one with more nitrogen than potassium or phosphorous, since you want lots o’ leaves and not so many flowers or fruits

    Enjoy! These herbs are a delight to grow and use in foods. Love 'em.

    • piezoelectron@sopuli.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      You’re a godsend!! Just one question – any tips on nitrogen-dense fertilizers? In the past I’ve used coffee grounds as a generic fertilizer, but not sure if they’re dense on N, P or K.

      I’m about to head and buy some pots + soil, feeling very reassured, thanks!!