The mythical origins of the Celts and Nordics suggests their ancestors were once a technologically advanced and partially fourth density (semi-4D) race who suffered a cataclysmic vibrational descent into 3D Earth, after which they became ever more divested of their supernatural powers by increasingly taking upon themselves the constraints of three dimensional space and linear time, whether through genetic intermixing with the indigenous population or through gradual acclimatization to the lower vibrational levels.

That the 24 rune symbols were read by Odin only while hanging from the tree of time suggests they might be the spatiotemporal archetypes of our physical existence seen from outside time itself, e.g. from a state of “timespace” as the Law of One material calls it, or “neutral stasis” as Carlos Allende termed it in the Varo edition of Morris K. Jessup’s book “The Case for the UFO.” Timespace is the inversion of spacetime, per Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System, meaning 3 dimensions of time and one of space, which visually would be experienced as a network of branching, merging, and bending fiber-like timelines.

  • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
    1 year ago

    Explaining the spiritual with bad science is worse than even blind belief. Belief is a tool, and in cases where we cannot know what is going on, it must be accepted blindly (for no science can yet enter the realm of spirit). But to accept religion blindly (while knowing your dependence on faith and fallacy) as a tool for your own betterment is better by far than to trick yourself into believing it has been proven by science…