started thinking about it unironically in the shower, but then it all spiraled till I got this.

Throughout the whole history of humanity, most of the language and information were passed through personal one on one interactions. Where disagreement was personal. In the modern age of the internet. Both right and left, rich and poor, have destroyed that. To be a successful scientist before, you needed to learn how to transmit your ideas not only on paper, but also in a conference room filled with tens of people. Nowadays, modern scientists are struggling to even speak, as social anxiety induced by the social separation of the internet makes them publish any of their studies on online platforms. This involves costs not only for the scientists but for the society as a whole. As simply using a source of a science article that is published by a big name now makes you right and the other person wrong. I myself am still debated on this issue.

But what touches me the most is the political debate. Both right and left have sunk into the deep pit of awful, gut wrenching, poisonous and hazardous debates that do not impose a greater meaning than to gain a popular majority. People such as Vaush, Hasanabi and many others construct themselves on the basis of debating on the internet. Most awful detail being that their debate is mostly just critique of a video. While the right in what I’ve personally seen is just as awful, or in my opinion even more. They use nonsensical, straw-man and other logical fallacies filled arguments that do not impose or add anything to the greater picture. Even debates in real life are now a vomit-fest. Biggest example being the Trump and Biden debate. People didn’t even consider it as one and turned it into a joke. Real life debates are now filled with either animalistic screaming or the unacceptance of either one’s platform. It leads nowhere and the result of it is minimal at best. I’m afraid for the future of debates and what it might lead to. Debates are dead and we killed them, but what shall we kill next?

Please prove me wrong, I’m going to sleep with this horrible thought that I hate.

    1 year ago

    Sorry, but you’re right.

    The thing I’ve noticed over thirty years or so of posting on forums, and the reason I pretty much entirely stopped even bothering to try to debate anything online, is the ubiquity of fallacies.

    At this point, I would say that the single most common “argument” presented on the internet combines strawman, hasty generalization, ad hominem and non sequitur.

    The way it works:

    Jane says [opinion X].

    Tom responds with something that boils down to “So what you’re saying is [something other than opinion X]. That’s what [pejoratives] say, therefore you are a [pejorative], therefore you are evil and stupid and wrong.”

    And that’s it - that’s the majority of internet “arguments” - strawman the assertion so you can characterize it as the same as an opinion held by some hated group, then assign the person making the argument to that hated group, then assert that they’re self-evidently wrong (and evil and stupid and whatever else) because they’re (purportedly) part of that group.

    It’s really not even an argument at all - it’s a non sequitur. Even without the strawmanning and the hasty generalization and the ad hominem, it’s still just an arbitrary assertion. But the thing is that it works, and it’s simple, and likely most importantly, it’s emotionally satisfying, since it gives people (both those making it and those reading it) that handy little self-affirmation rush that comes from tribalism.

    And due to the asymmetry of bullshit, it was always difficult to counter, and at this point it’s so ubiquitous that it’s effectively impossible. And it’s not worth even trying.