Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

      1 year ago

      Maybe I can’t differentiate because people make my life political. Good for you that’s not a problem but other people exist like me and have this issue. A lot of people seem to lack awareness of others and act like they’re in the right. It’s childish.

      I once worked for someone who thought like you. He was a real redneck. When I walked in, he looked at the hiring manager and rolled his eyes. I ended up doing the best out of anyone on my first day and it was physically intense. He apologized to me later because he gained an awareness that other people can exist differently without him being a bitch about it. You should learn from him.

      1 year ago

      When politics imprest your life on such a level that it could mean not getting the health care you need, yeah it is part of your life, there is no difference. I think people like yourself see politics like sports, just boring talk, no one cares about your team. That’s not what it is, these are major things impacting people’s lives, and not talking about them could lead to less awareness and even more rights being taken away.