i can’t afford commissions, found it to be really cute so posted :(

  • @Caramel
    11 year ago

    Which model did ya use?

    • German The JackalOP
      21 year ago

      Bing image creator lol, it’s like a juiced up dall-e 2

      • @HundaRaketisto
        21 year ago

        That might just be what it is. I decided to look up the differences, and apparently according to The Site That Shall Not Be Named “The Bing image creator is using the 2.exp model of dalle” or may even have something newer.

        • German The JackalOP
          31 year ago

          There are a couple of annoying things about it:

          • The fact that it outputs super compressed JPEGs
          • The presence of a (non-removable) watermark.
            Both are easily fixable with some inpainting and upscaling. DALL-E 2 has an official API which provides no watermark, however, so it could be better.

            What isn’t fixable is MSFT’s self-contradictory terms of service stating that they don’t claim ownership to the generations, but also stating right next to it that you can’t use the outputs commercially. Who’s going to enforce that if they don’t claim ownership…? Anyway I just use it to generate art of my sonas, not selling it lol, but might be annoying if you for example want to make a cover art for a music platform