Image transcription: a tweet by Migma Sale (@RabbidTheNabbit), reading “Before vs after hrt”. On the left, there’s an image of an angry-looking soyjak with stubble and a neckbeard. On the right, there’s an image of a smiling, beautiful transfemme, in the “wojak” art style. They have pink hair, a miniature transgender flag, and a shirt with the same flag on it. End transcription.

  • Hyggyldy
    529 months ago

    One of the youtubers I watch, James Stephanie Sterling, has transitioned wonderfully and looks so much happier, healthier, and more alive. They really seem to have found themselves and it’s awesome to see.

      49 months ago

      It truly was a transformation for them.

      Given, I think most of their early video game career was spent in Mississippi, which would make any human alive miserable.

      But yeah, hats off to Commander Sterling. There’s a vivaciousness there now that is nothing but a pleasure to see.

  • Hugucinogens
    79 months ago

    Btw thanks for the transcription. If not for that, I would have never noticed Migma Sale

  • riwo
    19 months ago

    heyy op, i know u meant well and this post does not include any actual ppl but i think its still important to say this.

    not every trans feminin person is a woman. pws dont assume gender

    • Unmarketable PlushieOP
      39 months ago

      That’s true. I feel like, in the lack of any other context, that the image on the right is supposed to represent a trans woman though.

      • riwo
        9 months ago

        i dont think the picture provides the context of that person being a trans woman and if anything, the lack of any further context means we just cant say anything beyond them being transfeminin.

        i dont want to come across as hostile. what u are doing here just seems to fit in our societies pattern of treating binary gender as default and considering everything else to require being stated explicitly. this is something that bothers me and i consider both harmful and ignoring reality, which is why i talk about it, when i see it.

        i am not accusing u of doing this on pupose, its ingrained in our society after all. i just hope i can make u think about this topic

        sowy for leaving a long ass, serious comment under a meme. ur transcription of it the reflects a bigger issue to me and as i said, thats something i talk about when i see it. so sowy, not sowy?

        thanku for reading this, if u did, and engaging with my ideas <3