EDIT: forgot to add that the wifi networks all appear fine and connect (network name appears in the settings and connects successfully, just no network access no matter the interface)

EDIT 2: I did not really feel like troubleshooting my computer all day as I had kind of soft-bricked it by downgrading the kernel, and it didn’t boot. I felt it was a bit too far gone for me and like I said I didn’t want to spend the day fixing it. Anyways I had a separate /home so it was all fine. I installed PopOS as a (not so) temporary solution. Ill probably end up reinstalling Arch or something a bit more up to date soon enough. Thanks everyone for trying to help me!!

Hey there, I’m looking for some help with my Arch system that I updated today.

So a little context here: today, I updated my system with the usual -Syu. However after the update I kept getting pop ups that told me my LAN connection was not working or something ( I use gnome). Wifi was still working.

Now, I since rebooted in hopes the popups would go away (in a sense, they did…), I do not have any access to the internet, I tried everything I can think of (wifi only, wired only, usb tethering with my phone) but nothing works. I still get the wired icon in gnome even though the cable is unplugged.

I am having trouble finding help with the Reddit blackout (convenient timing lol) and it is pretty hard for me to attach logs and such since my computer has no network access at all, I’m relying 100% on my phone…

Any help is appreciated 🙂

  • UrbenLegend@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    OP says he downgraded the kernel. He has an Nvidia card, so what most likely happened was that he didn’t downgrade the Nvidia kernel module as well and that caused the display manager to not boot up.

    ip a should still list all the interfaces even if they are not actively connected. The fact that he doesn’t have any other interfaces besides lo means that his network drivers probably didn’t initialize properly. Not sure what’s causing that exactly though, maybe missing firmware?