• @trailing9@lemmy.ml
      227 months ago

      No. Disaster only allows capitalists to sell food for everything you have once there is no surplus of food anymore.

      If you want something better, you better start now. And no, there won’t be a revolution. But you can think of better policies and convince a majority.

    • @uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      47 months ago

      Sophie From Mars has a video specifically about this, highlighting pre-apocalyptic non-capitalism (commie-anarcho-pinko-socialist society) and post-apocalyptic non-capitalism, since eventually there will be too few people to set up trade lines.

      If we do the latter, then the risk of human extinction in the next few centuries goes up, but Sophie explixitly doesn’t talk about that

    • @uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      167 months ago

      In the aughts I thought it was such an obvious thing to do to make a wiki meant to feature all national (and regional) constitutional documents, cross-translated, ideally, with a place to put in suppositional sections and clauses (like changing the US federal elections from FPTP and a two party system. How would we word that in the Constitution of the United States so that it was ironclad?)

      I assumed someone would make this wiki somewhere, especially since there are ongoing regime changes, and we want to help those factions that side with the public to figure out what they want. Right?

      Nope. Legal think tanks are usually formed by billionaires to circumvent or subvert public-serving law. In laywer culture, helping the public is regarded as an altruistic sacrifice or a sign you’re not good enough to defend white-collar criminals.

      I’d think some university might want to host a wiki like this, so they could get big donations to shut it down a year at a time.

      • That actually sounds like an awesome idea. You could probably get a vps and set up mediawiki to run it yourself. The problem would be hosting cost depending bandwidth usage.

        • Hopps
          87 months ago

          Dual power refers to a situation where two separate governing bodies or authorities coexist within a single country or region, each claiming legitimacy and competing for control or influence. This typically emerges during periods of political or social upheaval when an alternative power structure is established alongside the existing one. The idea is that by building alternative institutions or systems, people can challenge and eventually replace the current dominant power structures.

      • @DocCrankenstein@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Objectively looking at our system of economics and governance has proven to not take the interests and plights of the people seriously, and is routinely highjacked by special interests to further their wealth and power at the expense of the working class and global environment.

        If no fundamental change is made then …

        millions will die.

        And those in power will write it off as an acceptable cost of doing business. They already have.

        That isn’t a hypothetical. That is the reality of climate change on our current trajectory that our current systems fail to accept and do something about.

        So to answer your question, there is no alternative people are trying to speak of. Our society is already crumbling and it is not salvageable.

        So we have a choice not about alternatives, but on if ending it now would mitigate casualties as opposed to letting the train derail naturally.

        At least if we willingly make effort to change we can have some control of the situation in favor of the working class or at least have solace we died on our feet than on our knees

    • @kugel7c@feddit.de
      37 months ago

      So if one group is large and the other small maybe it’s worth it, especially if we keep the firing squads in the closet.

        • @Obi@sopuli.xyz
          237 months ago

          What the hell are you all doing in the US. Props for being on the decline but jesus why is it so high to begin with.

          • @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world
            197 months ago

            Cheap ass oil from being a producer, the gas station down the street has gasoline for $0.98/liter.

            About 1/6 of that is taxes and should be higher

            • @TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works
              77 months ago

              Not to mention that like half of our population is entirely convinced that man made climate change is a hoax. Many of those people go out of their way to drive the cars and trucks with the worst gas mileage, and some go even further to modify their vehicles to produce even worse gas mileage, and “roll coal” to offend the people that do actually care about the environment.

              We live in a country with many ignorant and selfish individuals.

              • @TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.id
                27 months ago

                It’s more like a third to a quarter of our population, but since they’re overrepresented politically due to concessions made to the slave states, it feels like they’re half.

              • @nxdefiant@startrek.website
                27 months ago

                The average US driver drives twice as much in a year as the average EU driver, so they are at least paying for gas more often on average, so it comes up more I guess?

                • @uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  37 months ago

                  Our alternative transportation options are shitty. The vcar and oil industries have been suppressing public transportation development for a century-plus.

              • Cethin
                97 months ago

                I’m assuming they converted it because they’re talking to non-us people, and we’re the only idiots using gallons.

              • Madeline
                37 months ago

                I think most gas stations charge by whatever volume you want as long as you’re willing to do the conversion yourself

      • Baut [she/her] auf.
        297 months ago

        Also China is exporting a lot, meaning that the pollution from other countries is often just outsourced to it.

        • @Siegfried@lemmy.world
          237 months ago

          Thats also valid for india… industries globally should be charged for their emissions. Transport companies also.

      • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
        117 months ago

        It’s kind of a moot point, no? More privileged nations should be helping reduce emissions globally, though. Not optimistic of that, though.

    • @mobius_slip@beehaw.org
      7 months ago

      They pollute the most because we export our pollution to them. Everything you own is made in China because they have much lax labor and environmental regulations.

      If we can stop large corporations from moving manufacturing overseas, we can maintain a much tighter control on pollution worldwide.