It’s Red Star Linux. You can patch out the spyware but that requires about 10 terminal commands and 95% of people say it’s not worth the trouble.
Granted. Twitter is full to bursting of people complaining about how bad Linux is. You’ve seen those seething play-by-play blog posts by people trying Linux for the first time who didn’t have someone to guide them and everything turned out terrible and now their vitriol towards the Linux community knows no bounds? The ones listing every single thing that went wrong while installing/using Linux, describing each in excruciating detail, and adding a few that the poster made up for good measure? Multiply that by every computer user on Earth.
A major solar flare destroys all electronics on Earth and its orbit. The only computer that survives is the Perseverance rover on Mars, which famously runs the Linux kernel.
Granted. They all run gentoo.