I keep seeing it on my random feed suggestions and this is using NewPipe, so it has nothing to do with my actual YouTube activity (I think. Nothing there is stuff I’m interested in, with very few exceptions). So I’ve ignored it first, then I watched like two and was super confused. Wtf. These videos have millions of views and I don’t even understand the name or what’s the appeal.

    • That’s really it. They’re just fucking weird, and dumb SFM shorts that, for whatever reason, took off. Source Filmmaker and GMOD videos have always been on the surreal and weird side, and this is just the latest line of new hit weirdshit soup.

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    108 months ago

    It’s basically old-school gmod animation (I think it might have been done in source filmmaker, but a lot of SFM animators got started with gmod) that somehow got popular with gen-z/gen alpha. Gmod used to be a very common tool for people to make 3d animations with (especially animations revolving around Valve games) because it had access to all of Valve’s models and was extremely moddable. They were almost like 21st-century claymation.

    Anyway, gmod and SFM animations have always been surreal and nonsensical. I imagine part of the reason it blew up is because of toilet humor and because it graduated from a dumb toilet-humor animation and into a surreal Kaiju battling series.

  • Seigest
    58 months ago

    I’ll provide this.


    If you’re not into vinesauce he’s an older variety streamer from the pre twitch days. Lot of his stuff is finding obscure and terrible games. Halflife amd its mods being a favorite of his.

    This video is him explaining what it is, from an outsiders perspective. He goes through a some of the garbage explotive stuff that’s comming from it but also has his friend AgentRedJackel interview some fans of it via vrChat.

    I found it was a good summary of everything you need to know without actually getting into it.