I swear I’d not seen the term “christofascism” until this year. It’s an apt term for all the talk about the new speaker of the house, rolling back of Roe v Wade, banning books and increased persecution of LGBT+ rights…

But if I was Christ I’d be pretty darn upset right now. I talk about love and tolerance and peace and you’re going to use my name to make shitty, power grabbing, political, oppressive moves? The fuckin audacity. I’d be flipping tables and calling out the hypocrites.

I know it’s a conversation as old as time. I also don’t believe Christian’s should be able to point at it and say “yeh but that’s not MY Jesus.” Doesn’t fucking matter, they’re identifying as a You so if You don’t do something about it then it’s as good as doin it yourself.


  • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Probably not? A fandom has a “canon” with usually a creator who has an authorial intent. Religious leaders are more like secondary interpreters of a work something more akin to like youtube critics. Even if you got the heads to all agree on something if the rest of the group continues as they always have or disowns or changes their leader then people on the outaide looking in will still expand their definition to fit the best and worst of a thing. What people’s personal experiences are with a group are also a formative thing.

    Like for me my most regular everyday experience with visible Christianity is a guy near my train station with a megaphone and a Jesus paste board sign who I try not to make eye contact with or draw attention from because he has attacked other visibly queer people in the past. My definition of Christian is gunna include him just as much as like the Pope or the Sisters of Perpetual indulgence. The difference being that I don’t really have to worry about what the Pope or the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are doing.