I need to do like an 80% water change to get ride of the tannins. I put the wood on left in a few weeks ago. The tanks been running since 2020.
Looks fantastic! What fish do you have in there? And what do you like to feed them? :)
My tank was pretty heavily tannined. I did a few 25%s and one 90% and that cleared it up remarkably. There’s still some tannins, but my tank is clearing up a lot.
That header pic is when it was bad. This pic is after the 90% change (without fish in it, I cleaned it before introducing them)
Thanks! I have guppies and zebra danios. I feed them frozen blood worms and bug bites but some times I change things up.
Gorgeous! What does the mesh do? Block some light to prevent algae?
Thanks! That’s like a honeycomb print, fluval does that on a lot of their tanks. Claims it hides the water level and any calcium buildup
I see you have also done the floating ring technique! I just did it to mine, and it’s helped a lot :3
I like your plants too!
That’s a beautiful aquarium, how large is it? Fresh out salt water?
You’re making me miss the 100 gallon aquarium we had when I was a kid!
It’s tiny! 4.3gal, fresh water. Has four little pigmy corydoras and one Otto catfish to keep things clean! I want bigger, but I have a small apartment right now and I think it would be unwise to move with a large, heavy aquarium. But I love this little one. It’s like a 1x1ft river bottom in a far away creek in South America. I like to watch the microfauna play in the red root floaters and the fish go after the algae and such. So far, they haven’t even touched man-made food. They just want the algae I’ve been growing for a few weeks :)
This is the first aquarium I’ve also had since I was a kid, and I love it :)
Walstad tank. Needs to be neatened up a bit. Pulled 3 swords and some Java fern out to give away but no one locally wants them
Looks gorgeous :)
Very nice one! What is in there? Looks amazing for shrimps.
This is my betta tank. He is called Baard, but he is asleep because I took the picture at night.
Just a handful of pygmy corydoras and one Otto catfish. My aquarium is a nano 4.3gal, so I don’t want to overburden it. I love it, though :)
I am sadly having to sell this but after 2 years of fidling, I am finally happy with how this experiment turned out.
That’s cute! Do the plants on top grow in the aquarium water? Why do you have to sell it?
It has an overhead trickle filter box that I emptied out and replaced with Seachem Fluorite Red (I also did another filter the exact same way but with LECA and the plants grew just as well in that too) and put baby terrestrial plants into. Baby plants arent so baby any more lol.
I’m disabled and my health issues have just gotten worse over time so I have to sell most of my aquariums including this one. Sucks balls as I had some really cool ideas to try out, but such is life. I’ll still have two plus my ponds 🐟💙
My planted 40 gallon. I have a bunch of small fish, 1 angel, and 1 pearl gourami.
Wow! That’s awesome. I’d love a bigger tank someday. How manageable is the 40?
Thank you. This tank is pretty easy with the exception of the pond lilly on the right. It’s supposed to be a dwarf but I have to cut out lilies and flowers every week.
Suffering from success, sounds like xD
Recently cleaned and relocated to the kitchen!
The rocks really make it pop :)
Wait until all my mosses and new plants arrive this week and next. Someone remind me. It’s a vertical 10 gallon. I also ordered new shrimp of several colors. It’s a simple tank right now 4 or so plants one large rock and some duckweed floating to keep algea and nutrients lower nitrates as well. Shrimp and assasin snails inside with one clown kili fish female.
Peaceful :)
Thanks. We’re pretty new. Started with a 3 gallon and betta. Moved him into a 20 with some tetras, guppies, coreys and a pleco.
Then we made the mistake of going for shrimp when there was a sale going on…and now also have a 75 gallon with angels, bala sharks, and pictus catfish.
Any advice for bigger tanks? I just have a small one. I love your tanks!
Thank you!
I’m still learning myself. The small tank has a solid cycle and everyone is happy. The big tank has nitrites but no ammonia or nitrates so I’m going to add some live bacteria sand we used for the 20g in an attempt to boost the cycle. Will likely need to do some water changes.
As far as bigger tank advice: with the 75 gallon tank I wish I’d established a more solid cycle, then added plants, after plants take hold introduce shrimp or another cleaning crew to get to work, and then finally start populating it.
We didn’t plan it as well as we’d thought and had to ad-lib quite a bit. I do love how it is going so far.Thank you!