I’m in the first hour of this video. It’s about how YouTube / influencers plagiarize / straight up stealing works from others.

So far, in the first hour, hbomberguy has covered

  • Filip Miucin, (ex-IGN plagiarizer)
  • Newt (wrote for Cinemassacre? I don’t follow cinemassacre stuff),
  • Illuminaughtii (I’ve never heard of this person before, apparently she pivoted from making bigoted content to left leaning stuff??)
  • @Hathaway@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago

    It’s a good video. He also brings up the internet historian and another vlogger I’m not familiar with. Internet historian surprised me.

    It’s rather blatant. Then rather than face the music, these people go to great lengths to deceive people about it. I think it would help their reputation at this point if they came out, accepted, then never plagiarize again. But, who knows. Some of them have entire careers on it.

    Also, illuminaughtii just chased trends till something caught on. I thought her content was good until it came out that she stole most/all her content either from other people, or, from her own writers lol she’s known for being a piece of shit and not paying her staff as well, so I’m not entirely surprised she doesn’t have good staff pointing out the obvious plagiarism.

  • prole
    2010 months ago

    Watching this right now. Very good. One of the few remaining high quality video essayists left on YT imo.

    • Gamma
      1510 months ago

      If only he cared less about the quality of his work, this is the only video he released this year! 🥲

      I started it last night and had to force myself to turn it off, otherwise I would’ve stayed up until 3am

  • Newtra
    10 months ago

    I had to unsub from Luke Stephens after hearing him throw that insult about hbomberguy needing more testosterone. Most toxic thing I’ve heard all week…

    I love the playlist of worthy queer creators he gave. Not only was it an almost 4 hour video, now I have to watch another 12ish hours of random video essays to decide who else I want to follow!

  • yildo
    510 months ago

    Youtube should have never removed the maximum 10 minutes limit on videos in 2010

    • sub_oOP
      410 months ago

      I believe some people are converting their data into video files and uploading them to YouTube as free data storage.