Don’t like this article 😠 posting it in search of rebuttals. The word “moderation” is not to be found anywhere in it. Oops. Guess I didn’t read this closely enough 🤦‍♂️

  • Apathy
    1 year ago

    As far as Reddit is concerned, decentralization isn’t actually a bad thing at all. Most of us followed multiple subreddits with the same purported content because it wasn’t the same content or community at all.

    The same thing happens on here. You can join a half dozen gaming communities and they have different content and different voices, and that’s kinda what Reddit users sort of expect.

    The feel of the whole platform is very similar except instead of r/whateverthehell it’s whateverthehell@somestuff.otherstuff. That is not actually a difference worth the distinction, imho.

    Especially with the development and apps coming out for it that sort of gloss over the way the platform actually works and just gives you the Reddit Experience result (I’m alpha testing a couple iOS apps, and it really feels like looking for a subreddit, just the name is longer), it’s becoming less of an issue.