Have you ever had one of your D&D characters die? Was it because of roleplay choices or just bad dice luck? Did you enjoy making and playing a new character or did you find it difficult to be ‘new to the party’ or to separate player knowledge and character knowledge?

Just looking to get some conversation started around here.

  • TwistedFox@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Haven’t had a character die in a long time, as I am mostly a DM by this point. But my most memorable one was back when I was playing 3.5, we had a TPK, that was entirely the fault of 1 player.
    He had died last session (self-inflicted) and was bringing in a new character. We were in deep caves, fighting goblins and their kind, and he decides that his new character was to be a drow. This would be the perfect place for him to show up, because Drow love caves, right?
    Unfortunately his first action in combat is to try to get himself advantage by casting darkness on the bonfire in the middle of the room we were in. What he didn’t consider was
    a) All other light sources had been snuffed out by a goblin ambush that we were currently fighting
    b) he was the only PC with darkvision.
    c) Darkvision doesn’t see through magical darkness.

    Needless to say, we were slaughtered pretty quickly and he shrunk off in shame.