• tygerprints
    25 months ago

    If Trump does beat Biden and is re-elected president, it will mean that everyone in this country has forfeited their American dream and given up hope for any kind of personal future. I’m gathering my funds. I’m getting out here well before that happens.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      05 months ago

      That’s what a pundit on CNN said last night. Something to the effect of “I’m afraid that voter counts will drop which means Americans no longer believe in our voting process or our democracy. That is what terrifies me.”

  • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
    -45 months ago

    The RealClearPolitics database currently includes 14 five-way national polls. Trump leads in 13 of them, and in the outlier (from Quinnipiac), a six-point Biden lead in the head-to-head matchup with Trump drops to two points when the other candidates are included. Overall, Trump leads Biden by 2.5 percent in the RCP averages of two-way polls and by 4.8 percent in five-way polls.

    Biden campaign needs to get their sh!t together! So frustrating!

    • @KoboldCoterie
      145 months ago

      The whole country needs to get its shit together and start using a better voting system, and more candidates would be a benefit, rather than a detriment.

      • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        Yup. But until young/progressive voters start voting in party primaries we’re stuck with this.

          • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
            35 months ago

            The under 30s got ooutvoted by the over 65s by a 2:1 margin in the 2020 primaries, it didn’t have to be Biden.

            • @MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
              25 months ago

              We need to vote in EVERY primary and push progressive candidates at every seat we can. Capture the foundation of the party and the DNC has a much harder time putting their thumb on the scale. We need to support Democrats as much as we can in general elections while pulling the party left as hard as possible during primaries. That’s the path IMO.

    • @Coach@lemmy.world
      85 months ago

      Are these polls the kind that randomly call people from an unknown phone number in the middle of the day and expect anyone but idiots to pick up? Because, if so, I’d expect the results to be a bit slanted.