Prior to the internet condensing into just 5 or so websites, what do you remember fondling about being online?

I remember winning a raffle contest on the old Terraria forums and getting to pick my own title (instead of just New Member, Member, Well-Known Member). Of course, since I was like 13, I picked a random collection of letters that only I knew was an acronym of my signature on said forums.

    2 years ago

    I was having an argument with a friend in early 2000s about when Lance Armstrong had won the tour de France. I was completely wrong, but I wasnt going to let that stop me. I copied all of the html from a site that had the stats I wanted. Pasted all of the code into a geocities, just edited one of the years to create the reality I wanted and then published the page before sharing it with my friend. He didn’t buy it and I fessed up. He was impressed with the lengths I was willing to go to to win a dumb argument though.