• haui@lemmy.giftedmc.com
    8 months ago

    I‘m pretty shocked at the amount of condescension and insults you‘re throwing my way. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Frankly, I know a thing or two about making money and building companies. I have built several. I have also met many very rich people. Needless to say I was quite shocked at how few of them are actually competent or even original.

    The vast majority I‘ve met is quite smart but vastly more dominant than other people which makes all the difference. There are a few that are outrageously smart but usually thats not the defining factor. Millionaires and billionaires are not great inventors. They‘re good at manipulation first and intelligent second.

    Its the same in every class. The narcissists and psychopaths dominate everyone else. I‘m obviously not talking about people who suffer from clinically diagnosed npd and aspd but the undiagnosed „functional“ variety. But I digress.

    The important part in the people I talk about (billionaires) isnt making a lot of money. Thats easy if you’re smart and determined or ruthless. The hard part is not losing it, either by being stolen from or making mistakes. But that also does not explain billionaires imo. To go over the top like this, you need to accumulate against any form of empathy you might have with other people. Instead of steadily giving away to others so they can have a life too you need to amass it all in your pocket because others are so beneath you that you dont trust them even the welfare they would be paid from your taxes.

    Also, since you dont seem to know the basics of investment: there are extensive archives about every penny these people own. They usually own many companies, which in turn own other companies. Thankfully this is all written down and banks check for this every time someone needs a loan. Otherwise someone like musk wouldn’t have gotten a multi billion dollar loan. It’s incredibly naive to think that its not possible to determine it. The funniest thing is that the government tax agencies make assumptions about your income if you fail to report it and tax you according to it. Thats exactly what I‘m talking about. It would be so easy to make this happen and one reason some people dont want this is because they are so naive to believe they can get there, ever. Otherwise there is no reason for a normal person to accept billionaire overlords.

    One other possibility would be that starbucks for example, one of the worst tax evaders in history, would leave your country if they werent allowed to make their business as usual. But what corpo apologists dont see is that this is not how the market works. If they leave, someone else comes. And as much as I despise the leader of russia, making someone follow your law or taking away their IPs was a pretty ballsy move. Thats what I would do with companies that fail to meet the criteria to make business in my country.

    It is all a little rough around the edges and someone with a little nuance should sand it down here and there but I‘m pretty sure this would help.

    I‘m giving you a chance btw. I wont block you if you do away with the condescension and insults. If you dont, be ready to be blocked.

    Have a good one.