So I just discovered that I have been working next to the waste of oxygen that raped my best friend several years ago. I work in a manufacturing environment and I know that you can’t fire someone just for being a sex offender unless it directly interferes with work duties (in the US). But despite it being a primarily male workforce he does work with several women who have no idea what he is. He literally followed a woman home, broke into her house, and raped her. Him working here puts every female employee at risk. How is that not an unsafe working environment? How is it at even legal to employ him anywhere where he will have contact with women?

    7 months ago

    Seriously, that was my only comment and now I’m also a rapist according to you.

    No, I said you’re a rape apologist. And you are. And a particularly gross one too, being that you’re sitting here claiming you’ve been sexually assaulted like that’s supposed to make actual rape apologia coming from you somehow valid or palatable. That claim actually makes your stance worse. If you’re telling the truth, you’re hurting other rape victims by arguing that they need to suffer the presence of a rapist, and live with their safety constantly being in jeopardy, simply because you allowed yourself to become brainwashed by a rape culture so you could gain access to comfort. And like all rape victims who have been brainwashed – if you’re not just some lying neckbeard, then you’re not the first brainwashed sap I’ve run into in my life and you sadly wouldn’t be the last – you of course latch onto every dumb ass talking point the rape culture tells you to because you can’t handle the reality of what you have done to yourself. You sold your soul for a place in society, and you drag down other victims, denying them their own safety, just so you don’t have to face what you’ve done.

    Do you know the story of the two wolves named Comfort and Dignity? If not, go look it up. Or I’ll tell it. You need to learn it.

    But it’s obvious you’re just here with a shitty political agenda regardless, because you came in here with a wall of text talking about vengeance when no one even fucking brought it up. No one brought up vengeance anywhere except for you and your ilk. We over here on Team Justice are talking about convincing HR to fire his dumb ass which is not only well within their rights to do, it is their moral responsibility as a member of the community. You are arguing specifically that they do not, to appease you, at the cost of dignity, safety, and the human rights of everyone else in that workplace. No one brought up Norway or Nordic countries except you and your ilk, because it’s a common talking point in the sales pitch you inundate Lemmy and Reddit threads with to push an anti-victim, anti-justice political agenda.

    So you obviously don’t care about rape victims. So don’t sit here and claim to be a rape victim and act like that’s gonna inspire sympathy. It won’t work on me, honey.

    I was sexually assaulted too and I never sold out like you did. I didn’t give up on justice. You bear the burden of that. OP’s friend should never have to.

    You’re disgusting and vile.