Like the TSA at the airport.

Security that we never needed before, but now suddenly we do.

Now we’re dependent on a third party gatekeeper for permission to have a web site.

Free, for now.

It’s a move by the weasels-that-be to turn the Internet into yet another tool for profit and control.

    8 months ago

    Yes, you need an organization which signs your certificate, so it is trusted by default. This is our trust-anchor so we know the certificate presented was validated and it was given only to the website owner.
    There are numerous around the world for that.
    And if that is no longer offered, you can just not have your certificate signed, which means browsers will complain about it.
    But you can trust your own certificate yourself. Or create your own certificate authority which can then sign other certificates for the community as their new trust anchor.
    I think we would very quickly build the web-of-trust, but for certificates.

    You can even not have certificates, but keep an weak form of TLS (no idea if browsers support TLS_DH_anon_*), but its still encrypted and can only be broken by an active Man-in-the-Middle-attack. (which is theoretically detectable later on)
    Diffie-Hellman is an awesome key-exchange.