• Flying Squid
          44 months ago

          Probably. But I can’t help what I don’t like the taste of. Sorry, I’ll be getting into the wicker man in a few minutes.

          • queermunist she/her
            -44 months ago

            All beans taste different so I guess I don’t understand the question. A garbanzo is way different from a kidney and both way different from a butter bean.

            • Flying Squid
              24 months ago

              And yet almost all of them have a basic ‘bean’ taste to them that I don’t like. You remind me of people who tell me I just haven’t had the right olive when I say I don’t like olives.

              I mean it’s like you think I have to enjoy eating the same things you do.

              • queermunist she/her
                -64 months ago

                Peas are part of the same family as beans. Do sweat peas taste like “beans”?

                I don’t think you have to like the same things I like, but I also don’t think I believe it when someone writes off an entire family of plants. At least all olives are the same species. Legumes have such a huge variety that it’s hard to grasp the idea of disliking them all.

                • Flying Squid
                  24 months ago

                  it’s hard to grasp the idea of disliking them all.

                  What part of “almost all” is unclear to you?

                  I’m sorry, I’m not going to like most beans no matter how hard you try to talk me into enjoying their generally common basic flavor.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      04 months ago

      Yeah but that’s just rice and beans which is boring and lame. This is Cow Hybrid Rice which is new and not lame

  • @SpicyLizards@reddthat.com
    04 months ago

    Thinking this article presents nothing more than a headline and a stock image. Is the photo of the actual nasty rice, how does it taste?

  • Aniki 🌱🌿
    -14 months ago

    And you chuckle fucks say vegans eat weird shit.

    I’m good on the non-descript cow parts being sprayed on my rice.

  • @thorbot@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’m all for scientific progress to help out global nutrition, but something about this and other fake meat products just turns my stomach. I love the plant-based burgers, but anything with genetically engineered cells just trigger something in my brain that tells me to stay far away. I’m sure it’s irrational, but I can’t get over it. edit: downvote all you want, it’s just my own opinion…

    • @knightly
      34 months ago

      They’re downvoting you because you didn’t read the article. There’s no genetic manipulation involved, just ordinary cow muscle and fat cells. Lab-grown beef doesn’t need to be modified, we already put in thousands of years engineering the cows it comes from.

    • @Tujio@lemmy.world
      -14 months ago

      Don’t be so sure. The baseball stadium in my city started selling roasted crickets for like $9 per tiny cup, and people have been buying shitloads of them.

      Tasty and novelty can sell real well to rich folk.

      • Flying Squid
        44 months ago

        I am guessing you have a lot of Oaxacan Mexicans around your stadium. Fried crickets are big in Oaxaca. When I lived in L.A., you could buy Tacos de Chapulines from street vendors in some places.

        I’ve eaten insects. They taste fine. They’re high in protein. They’re probably the greenest possible livestock.

        A huge percentage of the world eats insects as part of their diet. It’s only in the west that we have this crazy needless taboo. People are even disgusted by cricket flour. You can’t see crickets in cricket flour. Things baked with cricket flour taste fine. And are higher in protein.

      • @mindlight@lemm.ee
        14 months ago

        While the engineers might be able to make it tasty it’s not intended to become a novelty.

        Healthy food like Grassfed cows and fresh organic vegetables will be a novelty.

      • SeaJ
        04 months ago

        No way in hell I would pay that much for what is essentially fry batter with a bit of protein added in. Sure, fry batter is delicious but you can get it much cheaper pretty much anywhere.

      • Aniki 🌱🌿
        -14 months ago

        Fabulously wealthy people do not go to baseball games and sit in the stands.

  • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    -24 months ago

    They’re actually doing this shit specifically to piss off vegans, right? That HAS to be the actual objective here 😄