He can’t work miracles. He (his administration) has to keep rabid Zionist genocide-aphiles from abandoning the Dems for the GOP
Sure is neat how they’re a valuable constituency, but progressives are met with open hostility by the party. You’re well-represented by the party and you’re expecting me to act like I am too.
Sure is neat how they’re a valuable constituency, but progressives are met with open hostility by the party. You’re well-represented by the party and you’re expecting me to act like I am too.
Progressives-r-us sunshine. But I’m also old enough to know that there’s a basic fight for existence before we can push the party hard left.
How long have you old people been using that as an excuse to never attempt to move left?
I’m over you.
Go punch Trump in the face and I’ll talk to you again.
Thank god.