12 mana: win the game. A friend said it should probably be nonland, and yeah that’s probably the right move. But as a first draft, it’s just not as exciting.

  • @MysticKetchup@lemmy.world
    54 months ago

    Nonland is probably the safer bet. Either way it’s still a very fun effect just to wipe everything, friendly and enemy alike

    • JojoOP
      54 months ago

      I mean, without nonland… You have an empty board, and I have a 10/10 indestructible. There may technically be ways to escape that, but it wouldn’t make for fun games.

  • stankmut
    54 months ago

    Excluding lands opens up lots of opportunities for your opponent to just exile it before you ever get a chance to attack with it. The 10/10 body doesn’t have trample and is even counterable. If your opponent manages to draw creatures, they can stall until they draw a real answer.

    • JojoOP
      34 months ago

      Yeah, and I think that counterplay is necessary for fun games. I mean I might let it go to play test as is for shits and giggles, but I think it should be nonland.

      • stankmut
        34 months ago

        I just think it needs a bit more if it only hits nonland. The other versions of Ulamog are 10/10 Indestructibles that provide a lot of value when they attack, even if chumped or if their cast trigger never went off.

        • JojoOP
          24 months ago

          I suppose that’s true, but they also only hit 1 or 2 permanents. And if you’re building around this one, you can phase stuff out or flicker it until eot for a big rift that can’t be rebuilt. I’m thinking like Teferi’s protection

          • @KoboldCoterie
            14 months ago

            I mean at that point you’re spending ~15 mana to win the game, which… you can already do for less mana with other cards. Insurrection, for example.

            • JojoOP
              14 months ago

              True. But that’s also vulnerable to counterspells and disruption…

              Like I said, I think it can be playtested, but I also think it might be too strong hitting all permanents.

              • @KoboldCoterie
                14 months ago

                If we’re talking about Commander, which is really the only place this would be strong at all, everyone else is also running Teferi’s Protection effects… or Stifles, which effectively counter it, or a normal counter for your Teferi’s Protection effect, or whatever else. As soon as people see you casting Teferi’s Protection main phase with 12 mana in your mana pool they’re going to know something is up, and they’re going to stop your bullshit if they can.

                • JojoOP
                  14 months ago

                  I mean, I wouldn’t cast protection until the trigger is on the stack about to resolve, prolly. And I’m not imagining this is hard cast all that often. Casting for free still triggers it.