• Krrygon
    104 months ago

    My week was great! I went up to a bigger city to visit a friend, and it was much more trans friendly up there. I got to walk around with my cat purse, and wear a dress I’ve been wanting to try for a while out to a drag show!

    Everybody was super nice to me up there, and it felt fantastic to be out and proud and have positive interactions with the world at large. Very affirming and cool.

    I hope you all had a good week too!

  • Kericake🥕 (They(/It))
    94 months ago

    I got tittyskittles! ö/ 💊 Also lost a few pounds! Hopefully the rest follow 😅 Uhhhmmm… Doc offered to hook me up with the “behavioural health” psych-doc-type-critters and I decided to accept instead of just be miserable forever so Doc was like “Okay! I’ll try to set up something by text or email for you because of your [phobia of phones and doors thingle]” … Anyway they called me and entirely killed any… what’s it called? Any feeling-like-carrying-through kind of thing. Ohhhh weelllll 🤷

    I feel like other things happened too, but that was probably days ago. I got some Beyond Chicken nuggets! Chickenless nuggets! They’re pretty good. I managed to make BioDad pay for them 😅 Bwahahahahaha. meepsqueak!

  • @Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    4 months ago

    I shaved my torso (with an electric razor, philips bodygroom 5000. I tried my legs with a double-edged razor and good god the razor burn 😬 smooth but the stubble was back within 12 hours) the arms shall remain for now.

    All the body hair that’s left is part of my back (I am NOT flexible or skinny enough for that), my arms, and the face-tribble (beard) that I’m somewhat attached to as it makes me look like a stoner instead of a serial killer.

    It feels so much more comfortable, I can actually feel clothing touching my skin directly instead of the yeti-pelt being an intermediary, things feel SOFT, even with the stubble. Definitely want to look into more thorough/complete hair removal options.

    Shopped around online for a therapist for some things (shoutout to psychology today, makes things much easier), tackle anxiety and ADHD. Think I’ll actually start that process next payday.

    • @Blahaj_Blast@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      44 months ago

      Omg the clothing thing! I didn’t even realize how much I wasnt feeling due to body hair! It was definitely very odd at first, and I still swear my arms get colder easier but I’m not 100% if actually that or I can feel a light breeze on my skin now.

      • @Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        4 months ago

        The cold is VERY welcome to me, I am constantly too warm!

        Edit: skin also feels less greasy/gross in general, particularly in the morning. Jeans especially are more comfortable, socks are so much easier to put on and take off (not pulling my skin).

        • @Blahaj_Blast@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          24 months ago

          I did legs a couple times and ended up with tons of ingrown hairs or something else pimply and I’m still trying to get them all to go away, so I definitely want to avoid that next time. Feeling clothing or sheets on my legs was amazing though.

          • @Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            14 months ago

            Have not had issues with ingrown hairs yet with the electric razor, a brief attempt with a double-edge on my uhhh, “bits”, however seem to have had quite a few. Did not go very far with that attempt haha.

            Only started using an electric razor this time as I was getting so tired of hairs tangling in painful places. Historically electric razors haven’t even made a dent in my hair, so I guess I just had crap luck with good razors up until this point!!

  • Lumelore (She/her)
    64 months ago

    Earlier in the week I went and got my taxes done and the tax lady asked me when I will make my “ultimate transformation” which I found amusing.

    Then I went to the zoo. The last time I went there was about 6 years ago, which was before I realized that I am trans. I remembered seeing some parrot earrings there that I really liked, and being sad that I couldn’t wear them because of my gender. So when I went this time I looked for them, but they weren’t there anymore. However, I did get some sea turtle earrings, and that gave me a nice sense of fulfillment.

    Other than that I haven’t had much else going on this week.

  • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
    44 months ago

    My week was alright. I’m on spring break so I went to spend the night with my bro for a night. We got high as a kite and ate s’mores around the campfire. He was pretty tired most of the time and I was acting like a dumbass. I cooked a bunch of chicken yesterday to get da protein gainz.

  • Tywele
    44 months ago

    Had my first laser session on Wednesday and my first endo appointment on Friday which was pretty nice. Now I just have to wait 4 weeks for blood results and some “thinking” time and then HRT is starting. Yay