• @JigglySackles@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’m not going to support him because I agree with or like him. I’m going to support him because the alternatives are insane

  • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
    -33 months ago

    "While Presidents Biden, Obama, and Clinton try to wine and dine donors in New York City, New Yorkers of all kinds have come out to voice their complete rejection of Genocide Joe,” “Abandon Biden” New York co-Chair Mosaab Sadia said in a statement. “We cannot idly sit by as our president aides and abets genocide in Gaza. The movement to Abandon Biden is only just beginning.”

    Some progressives are pushing primary voters to cast their ballots for “uncommitted” or other rather than for Biden to send a message to the president about their frustration with his actions regarding Israel and its war with Hamas.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    -133 months ago

    Biden’s favorability ratings are as bad as Clinton’s in 2016.

    2020 he was like 15 points higher and he still only won by 30k votes across a handful of battleground states.

    And it’s not all due to a single issue, it’s a collection of various issues.

    There’s still time to run a better candidate. Even one with all the same issues but “only” 60 years old would have a better chance.

    We’re committing to one of the worst possible candidates for no reason

    • @jeffw@lemmy.world
      143 months ago

      There’s not actually time though? Primaries are over and Biden has enough delegates. A third party just hurts his chances.

        • @jeffw@lemmy.world
          03 months ago

          Every remaining state could give 100% of their vote to some other candidate. Biden would still have a majority of delegates.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            -53 months ago

            So due to our primary system Dems in some states don’t get a say…

            But it’s still not a big deal that NH kept voting progressive so they got kicked to the back of the line?

            Well, they had their primary delegates taken away because they refused to break state election law under order of the DNC…

            But you’re fine with the DNC scheduling primaries to favor “moderates” and suppress the progressive states?


            I’m not.

            Have a great day arguing that democracy is an important part of the Democratic party platform.

            • @jeffw@lemmy.world
              23 months ago

              When did I say any of that? I’m repeating the facts, not giving my stance on those topics.

              • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                -43 months ago

                I said:

                Lots of states haven’t even held primaries…

                You said:

                Every remaining state could give 100% of their vote to some other candidate. Biden would still have a majority of delegates.

                I don’t know what else you could have meant besides everyone who hasn’t voted in a primary yet don’t matter.

                So I asked about the states who are always scheduled last, why their voice is never heard.

                But I remember attempting to explain a lot of stuff to you before, I don’t think its ever helped.

                Especially that time you told me any gun regulation was against the second amendment and unconstitutional.

                I don’t think any facts I repeat or logic I use will change your opinion.

                • @jeffw@lemmy.world
                  13 months ago

                  Also, for the record, in that conversation that you somehow held onto for months and months, I repeated SCOTUS’ rulings. Once again, you are conflating me stating facts with my opinion on the constitution or elections. I never stated my interpretation of 2A or primary fairness.

                • @jeffw@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  It’s a fact, yes. People in the remaining states don’t matter in the 2024 primaries. You made claims about my thoughts on the matter.

                  It sounds like maybe you struggle with adding your emotions in when reading facts from others? Or, more realistically, you’re farming downvotes and trolling

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        -103 months ago

        Do you even realize that’s how trumpets react to anyone not 100% loyalty to trump?

        If you want a “team” no one is allowed to criticize your dear leaders, 1/2 American political parties are already like that. If both are then we’re all fucked.

        I’ll never know if that got thru to you tho, but I truly hope some day you realize that and start helping the country

    • K0W4L5K1
      -43 months ago

      Why is this post and comment so downvoted this is honestly a reasonable reason to protest, and you make great points. Abandon Biden is not a bad slogan compared to the shit you see from trumpers. This all stinks

        • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
          63 months ago

          You are all allowed to say whatever you want. Downvotes don’t mean anything but people disagreeing with you. It does not get you muted or banned.

          What it does do is push your posts to the bottom if they sort by Top or Hot. Obviously, people interact with a lot of your posts and not always in a negative way. But if it is upvotes you are after post this shit to hexbear. They’d love it over there.

          Here on world this is being downvoted mostly because primaries are over. We have Biden. The headline itself looks like a movement to discredit biden before the election. Its gonna net you downvotes from scrollers. These conversations, as another user pointed out, are demoralizing more than anything. If you want real change and for it to be tangeable, push your local election left first.

        • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          -63 months ago

          Ding ding ding…

          What do we have for our winner?

          These downvoting clowns think just like Democrats: “Maybe if we ignore our problems and any criticisms of them, they’ll just go away”.

          • @ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
            23 months ago

            Politics is a venue at which to solve problems. Democrats want to open it. Republicans want to close it down. The general election is over.

            • @knightly
              13 months ago

              Democrats don’t want to “open it” or else they wouldn’t be throwing elections just to keep progressives out of office.

        • K0W4L5K1
          -83 months ago

          Lol we both had zero and in 6 minutes it went from -3 to -8 and not even a comment to attempt to even discuss this like real fucking people that’s scary.

          How is this any different then the right people?

          • qprimed
            3 months ago

            its ok. posts get seen and there has been some pretty decent, thoughtful discussion on some posts/threads.

            the reactionary downvotes are never nice to see, but the posts that manage to pull in deeper engagement still give me hope that its not just all tribal crap right now.

    • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      -63 months ago

      There’s still time to run a better candidate. Even one with all the same issues but “only” 60 years old would have a better chance.

      The issue is that you have the DNC, the DCCC, and the DSCC in the way. Biden is their man because he won’t interrupt the status quo. WolfPAC and other small dollar donation systems like our revolution have floundered post the squad and other progressive waves, because Democrats refused to go after any substantive policies, so we lack the infrastructure or funding network for a grassroots candidate, which means they need name recognition (and ideally, some of their own money), to begin with, because after the dismantling of the 2020 Bernie campaign, things have been rough for progressives.

      I think Jon Stewart would be a shoe-in, but some one has to convince him he’s needed. Honestly, I think even Kamala might be doing better rn, which is just hilarious and exemplary of the situation we’re in. Maybe Gretchen Whitmer? I’m only dropping these names because I know the apologists are hiding in the wings like owls ready to shout “Hoo? Hoo?”. We’re a ways out from the convention still, so there is technically time to build a brand. Bernie could be a king/ queen maker in this regard. If he switched from Biden (and his rhetoric on Gaza has been increasing), he could just ‘decide’ who gets the nod. That person will instantaneously be polling at 40-45%.

      I mean honestly, I know he doesn’t want to but Bernie could win this no problem. He’s the candidate we should have had in 2016, and 2020. He’s better than Biden in every way. Someone just needs to convince him he’s necessary and needs to convince Biden that this isn’t going to happen and he’s a liability. The SOU did Biden OK, but he hasn’t made any hay with it. Its all maintained as performative.