• Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Absolutely plan to. Going through the gender dysphoria bible showed me I don’t see a single dealbreaker as far as femminizing HRT goes, and a hell of a lot to gain (or more specifically, lose).

    Greatly reduced body hair and redistrubition of future fat (existing fat stays until you work it off I’ve heard) are the big ones for me. A bit more “junk in the trunk” would hopefully make chairs a bit more comfortable.

    Already have to shift things around to see my feet (I want to lose a good 40+pounds minimum, more if a doc tells me I’m still overweight). 😅 Never particularly wanted the bits that came stock downstairs. The jumblies could fall off tomorrow and I’d be thrilled (aside from re-learning how to pee, which I imagine is fairly quick to get the hang of, standing is overrated and messy anyway)

    Social is the hard part for me; mom would probably be fine, very accepting gem of a lady there. Dad is a crapshoot, not sure I’d care longterm how he reacts. Workplace is… a shitload of old white military veterans with no sense of tact, some of whom were moved to a different area for their behavior. And my dad is in this workplace as well. 😐

    EVERYTHING would become a lot easier if I was in a different state. Don’t exactly have much in the way of a friend group as is, not a lot to lose other than closeness to parents and access to one of my favorite places.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      1 year ago

      Do you plan on getting electrolysis?

      I wanna lose weight too. I’m slightly overweight, so it’s not major health wise, but I want that sweet sweet body fat redistribution. It’s the main cause of my dysphoria. It’s been a lot easier to exercise and eat healthy with someone else that lives with me than to do it alone. Way harder to get off track that way (I got off track after they left, rip).

      I hope you can get a new job in a different state soon. What do you work in again?

      • Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        1 year ago

        Absolutely plan on electrolysis, got a place bookmarked locally i want to look into once ive got a credit card down more.

        IT, thankfully. Can go pretty much anywhere with IT. Currently not the best job market I hear but once the AI craze dies down a bit I’m hopeful things will be more… available. Current job is as stable as it gets (fed), which is great for continuing to get paid, but they call it the “golden handcuffs” for a reason.