This will have been drawn from the work of Erin Reed Though its worth noting her only firm, DO NOT TRAVEL, so far, is florida. Though the rest are of course still dangerous.

    1 year ago

    I just think its a little excessive to act like you’re gonna die if you go to the wrong state when the entire country is miles ahead of most everyone else in that regard. Those aren’t the places you’re allowed to go, those are the places you personally are willing to go because other places are somewhat more problematic. I live in one of these states where trans people aren’t “relatively safe” and I know plenty of trans people who live here just fine. Its like being afraid of cities because they have higher crime rates than small towns.

      1 year ago

      Where is this “miles ahead of most everyone else” coming from? Third world shitholes that are third world shitholes? Is this the bar you’re comparing yourself too?

      I live in one of these states where trans people aren’t “relatively safe” and I know plenty of trans people who live here just fine.

      There are lgbtq people living fine in despotic regimes too, just not having the freedoms of a normal person. Like when the government wants a reason to jail you for in the authoritarian countries. People are “fine” until you speak out or someone is offended or triggered.

      That isn’t “fine” in most everywhere else in the developed world but you do you. You “know” plenty of trans people, so all is fine and dandy.

        1 year ago

        Third world shitholes that are third world shitholes?

        Its the rest of the world including third world shit holes. I’m comparing us to the rest of the world. There are many first world countries that are much worse for trans people as well, so I’m not sure what your point is here.

        That isn’t “fine” in most everywhere else in the developed world but you do you. You “know” plenty of trans people, so all is fine and dandy.

        I didn’t say everything is fine and dandy. I said its great compared to the rest of the world. If you look at my first comment, I explicitly said it still isn’t great overall. Don’t put words in my mouth.

        All I want is for people to stop acting like they’re gonna die if they go to Texas.