My grandmother’s house, which was in a VERY nice, very high class neighborhood, was $20k back in the early 80s. Today, the area is destroyed and had become another run down suburb near Detroit. It’s dangerous to live in, but that house is still $160k.
WWII saw the end of almost 500k American lives, but the population of the country still increased. There will always be more people, but there will never be more Earth.
My grandmother’s house, which was in a VERY nice, very high class neighborhood, was $20k back in the early 80s. Today, the area is destroyed and had become another run down suburb near Detroit. It’s dangerous to live in, but that house is still $160k.
WWII saw the end of almost 500k American lives, but the population of the country still increased. There will always be more people, but there will never be more Earth.