The other thing needed are protected bike lanes that make sense. All too often, I see bike lanes that alternate- sometimes a two way split, sometimes one way only, sometimes ending in parked cars with no bike lane or a bike lane that picks up on the other side of the street. There’s an attempt, but consistency is key. And keeping delivery vehicles and pedestrians out of bike lanes.
When bike lanes are well planned out and are isloated from sidewalks, they are incredibly efficient.
Or you can do like we did a few years back here in Seattle; when considering where to put your new bike lane, avoid the main street and choose the steepest route possible.
I’m glad Seattle is consistently improving its biking infrastructure, but come on, people.
Unfortunately, I was talking about Seattle. There are some insane bike lanes that don’t make much sense. But when it works (ship canal) it really works! I just wish more roads were basically exclusively reserved for BRT and bikes, with wide sidewalks for pedestrians.
Bad bike lanes are still just a dream for me.
Like, stop making people commute if they don’t have to.