• YeetPics@mander.xyz
    6 months ago

    The old adage goes “if you meet an asshole once in the morning, you merely met an asshole. If you meet an asshole in the morning, at noon and again at night, you are the asshole”

    Reassess your behavior and stance; if you’re getting called a tankie it isn’t because the whole world decided to shift a definition.

      • Kedly@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        It really isnt. Tankie is specifically for those who’d support Russia and China. Are you defending Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Are you making arguements that Taiwan should become part of China? THEN you are a Tankie, but if you believe true Communism hasnt been done yet, and Russia and China DEFINITELY havent done it right, then no one who matters is going to call you a Tankie. If Tankie and Communist were synonymous, there would literally be no need for the term Tankie. You dont see “Fuck off Communists” everywhere on Lemmy, you see “Fuck off Tankies”

        • daltotron@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          yeah that’s too much singular linguistic prescriptivism for me. I’ve definitely seen a litany of people here called tankies. Lots of people just decrying US imperialism, particularly what’s happening in Gaza, lots of people criticizing Biden, that’s a classic way to get accused of being a tankie, I think I’ve also seen people advocating for basic shit like healthcare being called tankies. Prison reform is a big one that’ll get you called a tankie, as well as lots of anti-police takes, for whatever reason.

          Yeah. It’s a term that’s like originating out of apologia for the suppression of the Hungarian revolution, it’s not used for that anymore. The definition has changed historically and from person to person over time. It doesn’t have this clear meaning that you seem to think it does. It can have that clear meaning for you, sure, you’ve defined your use case, but you can’t really guarantee that every other person using that term is going to use it correctly. It would be, you know, theoretically, pretty advantageous for some right wingers to pose as left wing and then just kind of throw around a term commonly used in left wing circles as a derogatory term to shut down discussions, with basically no coherence to use.

          • Kedly@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            Look, you can either have a term for idiots who support russia and china when they CLAIM to care about minority rights, or you can defend the tankies because SOME people are using the term incorrectly. There isnt a 3rd option at the moment. Do you want us to start telling ALL communists to fuck off instead of just Tankies? Because thats the end result of being successful with your arguement. So you can either further the clarification that Tankies are communists that Support Russia or China, or you can help build a smoke screen for Tankies to hide behind. Pick one

            • daltotron@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              You could just tell them that supporting Russia and China is bad, or that those are authoritarian regimes, and cite sources, rather than dismissing them out of hand, based on what the surface level interpretation of their arguments are, you know?

              We have more than a one word limit here on Lemmy, people can respond with thought out rebuttals, rather than one word dismissals. It’s just that the one word dismissals are easier to write and understand, so they’re more likely to get thrown at an argument early and then up votes after someone skims a long ass set of paragraphs.

              There’s not like an either-or option there, I also really question your “well if we don’t discard tankies then we’re gonna have to discard all communists, and how would you like that!”. That doesn’t make any sense to me. Your “Pick one” is a false dichotomy. People are capable of more nuanced conversations, just labelling people and throwing around out of hand dismissals isn’t going to be helpful in actually working out anything, convincing those people, or convincing bystanders. Even if you were to convince bystanders with such a tactic, you’d be convincing them in a bad faith way where they don’t fully understand the usage of the term, so they’d be just as likely to throw it around as an out of hand dismissal without understanding what it means.

              But then I suppose, you know, it’s probably gonna be easier for most people to just call me a tankie and move on, right, on the basis that my argument advocating for nuanced responses and more well-reasoned argumentation is actually carrying water and “providing a smokescreen for tankies”, so I might as well be one, right? Term gets stretched even further.

              I have always been of the belief that if you are to respond, it better be with a well-reasoned and dignified comment, rather than just a kind of lazy dismissal. If people are doing shit that’s actually against the rules, then report them. If they’re engaging in bad faith behavior, you are more likely to reveal that by responding to them with good faith behavior than also responding with bad faith behavior. If you aren’t going to say something nice, don’t bother to say anything at all, or, put another way, don’t feed the trolls.

              Dunno why internet rules 101 is becoming such an uncommon thing now.

              • Kedly@lemm.ee
                6 months ago

                Or or, if you wanna defend Tankies, I literally dont have time for you. Do I give Nazi’s time to explain the nuances of their views? No, same goes for Tankies

                • daltotron@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Or or, if you wanna defend Tankies, I literally dont have time for you. Do I give Nazi’s time to explain the nuances of their views? No, same goes for Tankies

                  That’s what I said people should do though? Just ignore comments and move on if they’re not actually willing to engage with what’s being said