Location, call sign, interests, level, whatever
K6BEZ, Bay Area in California. Licensed in the US since 2011, but previously in the UK. Mainly use low power/qrp from home or out and about.
Welcome K6BEZ!
W6KME, Keith. CVARC (education Director, Field Day coordinator), VCARS (Secretary), VCARC (plain old regular ham). ARRL VE, instructor, ACS/ARES for Ventura County CA. Perpetual newbie and student. Co-founder and current manager of the BORED Net Group, which runs a daily VHF net, monthly µField Day (read “micro field day”), and annual Silent Key memorial, and some much larger events in planning. www.theborednet.net
Got my license in 2000 when I was 12. Spent the next few years VHF/UHF only until I finally upgraded to General. I’m still General but got laid off from work so I’m considering spending some of my free time working on upgrading.
I’m into packet radio and CW mostly.
Awesome! I tested into Technician + General in one go, but in practice I’ve been working mostly in the VHF//UHF space. I had originally intended to get an Amateur Extra license, but until I really bump up against some restrictions I need to focus on just getting a basic setup.
Nice! For me, the main benefit to getting the extra is that I won’t have to worry about where I can operate.