• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Ethnostate: 73% are Jewish 21% are Arab 5% are other ethnicities.

    Most states in the world are more.ethnically homogeneous. Before you spout some nonsense about them not having equal rights, they have an Israeli citizenship. And if you ever lived in any “ethnostate” country, like Japan, good luck getting a citizenship.

    Please tell me more about the ethnostate where Palestinian Arabs, Bedouins, Druze and many other people of various religions can study, be doctors, work and own houses.

    If you think there’s racism – fair enough, but don’t pretend that racism is an Israel only problem. There’s racism in every country in the world, and it should be eradicated,but not singling out Jews and advocating for the destruction of the first time in thousands of years where they can live in a country without fear of being persecuted. If you think that’s not true maybe you should get at least one Jewish friend and ask their opinion.

  • That’s a horrible statement to make about a nation that seen thousands of years of genocides, pogroms, discrimination and displacement. You’re just saying let’s continue with that.

    You have to understand that Israel is there and will be there, and you need to work from there to find a solution which also accommodates Palestine ( as an independent country ). There is no future for Palestine, however, where Iran-funded terrorist organisations are at its helm.

  • Barsukis@lemmy.mltoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.world14 pages of dead babies
    11 days ago

    I’ll just open with saying that I agree with your main point. Of course Israel is an ally of US, and US uses Israel to further their own gains in the region. The same can be said about literally any country in the world, though. It’s just the military & economic power of the US, and going against is a dangerous game to play. I am not defending or saying that US is good, I am just stating the obvious. Even China is not always able to stand against the US.

    Now to continue to my main point:

    I’m not going to pretend to know enough about those conflicts to answer your question, but I’m not exactly sure how it’s relevant.

    The point I was trying to make is that Israel-Palestine conflict is hyperfocused on, in a region that is extremely unstable and seen dozens of civil & international wars, coups & human rights abuses over the last few decades. Fighting ISIS killed thousands of civilians and displaced, at least, several million people. And while ISIS comitted many crimes against humanity, Russian & NATO bombs have also killed thousands of civilians. But people don’t even know this. And don’t seem to care.

    Should I also talk about Kurds, who were also fighting that war (against ISIS) and despite that Turks are literally borderline genociding them whenever they get the chance, these people do not resort to terrorism?

    It makes you wonder, why in this sea of instability, wars, coups and human rights abuses everyone hyperfocuses on one particular state, which is primarily inhabited by people who have been historically persecuted, killed and displaced consistently for thousands of years?

  • Yea instead of even attempting to engage with any of the points I made write a witty comment. That will show that you know what you’re talking about! 👍

    I literally didn’t say what you said, as a matter of fact this entire thread says that its everyone’s BUT Hamas fault. I was making a point that they could have and should have done significantly more to ensure that this tragedy doesn’t happen.

    What Israel is doing isn’t good but pretending that this is a one sided issue is a ridiculous misunderstanding of the entire problem, which is by the way the theme of everyone who made up their minds in the last year regarding “which side they support”

  • Barsukis@lemmy.mltoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.world14 pages of dead babies
    11 days ago

    Or you know, Hamas could have built bomb shelters for the people they’re “protecting”. Instead they built tunnels for themselves and keeping hostages, dragged Gaza into a needless war with Israel, all the while its own leaders live in the comfort of Iran’s mad regime that also funds them.

    Maybe the Muslim brotherhood would help out these children by accepting them as refugees, but I guess nobody wants another Black September where PLO attempted a coup on the Jordanian king that accepted Palestinian refugees, huh?