I don’t know how you or your table feels about third party stuff but Indestructoboy has a a Runekeeper for 5e that is heavily influenced by the 4e one (I’ve never played 4e so I can’t verify this myself.) It looks very awesome and you might like it. It is not free but you can download a preview of the whole thing for free from the dmsguild site (so basically free).
Olivia of Hightower, Circle of Spores Druid who’s family and community is a Circle of Stars group but instead of partaking in Star study she went out foraging for mushrooms. As such she was a bit of a loner at Hightower.
One night her tower was attacked by Vampires and ultimately she too got bit, but when she did she was able to connect with the mycelium of the forest around her and it stopped the transformation halfway, leaving her a Dhampire. Now she seeks a cure and hopes to possibly save any of her family that is left that she can find.