didn’t a woman literally kill herself over the sexual harassment? and the bill Cosby room??? that seems difficult to fake and surely would have been disproved if it was???
didn’t a woman literally kill herself over the sexual harassment? and the bill Cosby room??? that seems difficult to fake and surely would have been disproved if it was???
the result is epic!
planned parenthood was my go-to. recommend if thats a possibility.
in the grim future of hello kitty, there is only war.
heck yea
silly chess educational tiktok to ummm not have this happen.
i would ideally like to die at an old age painlessly in my sleep. I do not want to feel a critical organ failing while the rest of my body struggles to keep me alive through that.
I feel that the only way to guarantee that i get to die painlessly is to have that scenario engineered rather than letting it play out “naturally”.
death is scary, ideally i would like to not have to suffer while going through the most terrifying and final moment of my life.
i upvote lame comments because i find them relatable. its nice to be represented.
quincy is transactional and needs that framework to feel control and therefore comfortable in social situations.
because of the meat industry, i think its more ethical to use leather than let it go to waste. it lasts a long time and can replace a lot of other textiles that would need to be replaced more.
i did not give birth in warframe for someone to tell me im not a mother.
it does not, we just call eachother pookums and babe and trauma dump
they should add the gay sex to warframe, they already added the childbirth minigame ;w;
…theres gay sex??? where?
time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.
dang ur grandmother must make some good mashed potatoes…
funny joke but also yeah valid point. its acting. people are playing pretend.
im not a surgeon and i have also never shredded my hands on these. who is injuring themselves on pull tabs???