Yesterday Musk and Benji boy were having a wonderfull time laughi g and joking about how the Palestinians were genocided real good so the big Dhead can build there
Yesterday Musk and Benji boy were having a wonderfull time laughi g and joking about how the Palestinians were genocided real good so the big Dhead can build there
“One drink is too many, two drinks is not enough”
I dont care but its a win
Reddit to be renamed X^2
Money from advertisers.
Reddit is an echo chamber filled with bots these days
Reddit is purging all the nsfw subs
Cause its shit
The world tour will be lit
The wiring must be bad if you are getting electrocuted changing a wiper blade
I may sound dumb however it is I am just ininformed, what the AF is a fediverse?
Thats the bunny yep. He owns a lot of media and news companies. And he is now i think contracted with government data gathering via the AI stuff a quick search will show ypu all the pies his sweatty fingers are in.
Do you think they have unreleased more sentient and less llm in the labs or do you think we arent near that level of tech yet.
I often wonder what it would be like if they stuck it into the quantum chip google has or have they already tried it.
What if it was put in as a priority in the design stage?
Fuck china is gonna go into full lockdown now.
It could well be you know. Trump is not tech saaavy and elon could push for it as its his dream. The thing to watch is Larry Ellison go look up everything he owns and what he is in control of.
Reddit is bots and assholes I left just this week because it was making me depressed.
Funny how the most users by town/city is nearly always a naval base in eastern usa.
I thought there was more developments in the LA geosigns thing. These are old
A butt plug