A 50-something French dude that’s old enough to think blogs are still cool, if not cooler than ever. I also like to write and to sketch.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • My spouse and I don’t do much gifts and we also ask people around us to not give us anything either, be it for Xmas, birthdays or whatever.

    We have been doing that for many years, as a way to 1) reduce the amount of waste we generate and 2) as a way to, well, spend more time with the people we care about, instead of just spending some money on buying them always new stuff — something both my parents were doing with me back when I was a kid, more busy with their own lives than with raising me. I had plenty toys and even money as a kid but not much in terms of a family to spend time with. They regretted it a lot later in life, but t was too late. So, I was very young when I decided I’d rather not do the same mistake they did.

    When I do make a gift (it happens :p), I try to favour something that is durable and useful to the person. Edit: if they do not let me know what they want, I will go for:

    Books. Comics, fiction, essays, poetry,… they’re all great choice.

    If they have any interest in making visual arts, I will probably go for a small box of watercolour paints plus some decent watercolor paper (paper is the real important thing in watercolor, way more than anything else), and a brush. I would also chose that for a kid btw (but would pick something more suited to them (some ‘real’ paint can be very toxic) as I have yet to meet a single child that doesn’t like to paint and sketch. Even teens do like that, the moment they stop putting on their usual rebellious act, they too will get a blast of sketching and painting.

    Another thing I would consider, even more so if it’s for a teen/YA, is a nice journal/diary and a fountain pen with some ink whose color I know they might appreciate — the fountain pen in itself is such a unique writing experience that it may help the person make it into a habit to keep their journal.

    As a side note: fountain pens are often associated with expensive luxury brands but there is no need at all to spend money on fancy & expensive stuff to get a very good fountain pen that will last for years. Among my all-time favorites are the Lamy Safari, I have been using some of them for many decades already and they still work perfectly today, and they cost something like 25€. Others are even cheaper (like the Platinum Preppy, around 6€) but maybe they don’t look as nice as a Lamy Safari, which may matter for a gift ;)

    Edit: typos.

  • Yeah it varies. In my country you only need to participate in the conversation to be allowed to record it.

    If your country is part of the EU (aka having to comply with GDPR)? If so, you may be surprised to realise that things have really changed in the last few years. GDPR being only part of the reasons why. It’s not the same in every single country, but the shift is happening in favour of the plaintiffs, in the name of privacy, even when the scene was recored or snapped in a public space.

    in France (my country) and in Germany it’s obvious that this trend is now in favour of the plaintiff when a few years ago its was still in favour of the photographer or videographer.

    Nowadays, imho, no photographer/videographer in the EU should take the risk to publish any image of an identifiable person without having the written permission to do so from that very person (and that authorisation should also mention where it will be published and if the person should expect any compensation, and how much it is if there is any to be given). Street photography/videography in the EU is turning or already has depending the country, in a real booby trapped activity no matter if you’re doing it as hobbyist and not as a pro.

    France, where I live, and Germany and two of those EU-ccountries where I would not take any picture and publish them without a written permission — and I’ve been doing street photography in France as a hobby for the last 30 years or so. The risk is too real to get into legal troubles. Even in the UK, a country which was alsways more welcoming too street photography (it was clear no one should expect any privacy while in a public space), things have started to shift. Add to that the complexity layer of the many ‘not public’ or ‘not entirely public spaces’ mixed within the public space, plus the terrorist or safety considerations, regulations or exception-rules and you get the real mess we’re in. It’s still much better in the UK, though, but well, like I said street photo is a hobby for me, not something I’m willing to take any risk or worry for (lawyers are expensive and my time is much more precious than money). So, I gave up on street photography almost completely. Instead, I started to… sketch street scenes.

    Edit: clarifications.

  • My bank offers both an app and a website which is nice, but the app is mandatory for doing any kind of operation involving money (which is not that uncommon when logged-in in your bank accounts ;) even when connecting through their website, as the app is used for some ID-ing process.

    Then, there are a few not-mandatory but such-an-effing-pain-to-not-use apps, say to ID oneself with some (public) services.

    I use a dumbed down iPhone (like, really: no social, no games, no whatever not even email is configured on it) just so I can access those few apps.

  • I’ve seen this in various threads on Lemmy. I’m sure Kagi has some cool features, but I don’t know how any search engine can overcome the walled garden effect that is plaguing the internet today. The data just isn’t out there to be curated anymore, it’s locked behind the hedges of the different sites.

    I think search might have been killed.

    I 'm pretty sure you’re 100% right and that’s where we’re heading. It has already started but we’re not there, yet.

    I’m convinced too that in a not too distant future I’ll be witnessing (and I’m 50+ year-old) almost all content will be put behind pretty and comfy walls but walls nonetheless, with doors and locks on them we wont own the keys (btw, that’s the reason why I completely quit posting on reddit, as I explained here I refuse them putting any walls around the only valuable stuff they have ever owned, our content). But we’re not there, yet. I mean, the Web is still not that walled garden and, so far, Kagi has also been working more than fine (they even try promoting an alternative, for example with their ‘small web’ feature).

    How it is working now is the reason why I’m (was paying? As I’ve yet to decide to renew, in less than two days). I pay for how fine kagi is working today, not how it will be working in the future. The day they stop being relevant, I’ll stop using them (like I quit using Google search many years ago). Will I be sad? No idea, what I know is that I’ll be a lot more sad for what the Web will have finally turned into.

    Imho, as of now, Kagi is simply too small for the big sites or for the other engines to be worth worrying with them.

    At this time there are less than 35k paying members/users (they publish their stats but seeing how some people can be jerk when one is mentioning their appreciation for a paid product I think it’s safer to not share a link. It should be easy to find, though). Considering their size, I imagine it’s not like they represent a threat to anyone’s business. They’re just a tiny, tiny alternative, and a paying one at that! Something that will not help them grow fast, if at all.

  • Et à noter que la différence d’opinion vaut également dans l’autre sens: exprimer un avis sur ce fil, c’est être prêt à ce qu’il soit contre-argumenté.

    Balancer des liens en guise de preuve (de ce qui est un fait avéré dès le départ, à savoir qu’il y a des ordures là bas) je ne considère pas ça argumenter. On est tous d’accord là dessus: y a des merdeux et des hargneux. La seule chose sur laquelle je discute c’est l’amplitude de la sanction ou, si tu préfères, de la réponse à y apporter.

    Cela me semble pourtant assez clair dès mon premier message et, j’espère, dans les suivants aussi. J’aime avoir le choix (et laisser aux autres ce même choix).

    Donc, si tu désires parler de cet aspect je reste à ta dispo.

    Par contre, si tu veux continuer à me balancer des liens vers ces contenus orduriers — dans quel autre but sinon de démontrer à moi-même et aux autres qui liraient nos échanges que je suis apparemment incapable de piger à quel point ces deux instances sont ignobles et méritent d’être bannies. Donc, si tu veux persévérer à partager des liens au lieu de m’expliquer ton point de vue ou, au moins, de répondre aux arguments que j’ai essayé de poser devant toi, merci de me prévenir de sorte que je puisse l’ignorer et ne plus perdre mon temps. Libre à toi d’en conclure ce que tu veux quant à ma supposée incapacité à comprendre ce qui te semble une évidence indiscutable, bien entendu.


    Et puisque tu as jug utile de reprendre toute cette discussion en résumé, sache que j’ai moi aussi fait quelques recherches… mais uniquement à propos de la migration de compte/changement d’instance. Plus exactement à propos de ce que tu disais ici:

    Aller dans les paramètres de son compte actuel, cliquer sur “Exporter ses paramètres” Aller dans les paramètres de son nouveau compte, cliquer sur “Importer ses paramètres” Voilà

    Et j’ai réalisé que cette toute simple exportation de “paramètres” que tu mentionnes comme une évidente formalité en deux clics, ne va pas migrer pas tout notre compte d’une instance à l’autre. Surtout pas ni les messages, ni les commentaires, ni les abonnements.

    Voilà disais-tu? Ben non car, apparemment, pour arriver à quelque chose d’utilisable faut en passer par un outil tiers, hébergé sur Github, outil que je n’ai trouvé mentionné qu’ailleurs sur Internet: https://stablenarwhal.github.io/Lemmy-Userdata-Migration/

    Tout ça pour tenter de te dire, encore une fois, que les certitudes c’est comme la simplicité: très relatif.

    Re (et dernier encouragement à profiter de ton) bon WE.

  • Je te laisse parcourir ce fil: https://hexbear.net/post/3822135

    Et donc? Y a des message orduriers? Quelle surprise… Sinon, pourquoi on parlerait de les bannir, tu peux m’expliquer?

    Je commence à me poser des questions, mais je te laisse relire (et non parcourir) mes précédents messages pour tenter de piger mon avis qui, je crois, est pourtant clairement exprimé: je préfère bloquer moi-même ceux et celles qui me semblent problématiques, plutôt que tout une instance.

    Encore une fois, bon WE.

    Edit: je réalise que le WE commence à se faire court là… Diantre, il me semble qu’on a assez perdu temps, toi aussi bien que moi. Tu ne me feras pas changer d’avis et je crois avoir vaguement pigé que tu as très envie de voir appliquer ce bannissement sur ces deux instances ô combien ignobles. Laissons la majorité décider ou, à tout le moins, laissons-la donner son avis dans cette consultation — rassure-moi, une consultation c’est pas juste que pour la galerie? Il s’agit bien d’exprimer son opinion, librement, même si on se trouve avoir le culot de ne pas penser comme toi?

    Edit: fautes et autres bizarreries de Markdown.

  • The OP asked:

    How to You Research Vet Products on the Post AI internet?

    That is was what I answered to. That said, I agree my answer is not ‘Vet’ specific. So, maybe I was wrong in explaining why I decided to use a paid search engine in order to get usable, quick, not AI-infested and as topic specific as I want them to be results? I don’t think so, but anyone is welcome to disagree.

    Also, not being native English speaker I considered the OP ‘Vet Products’ was referring to ‘veterinany products’ (something I could ignore in my suggestion as being a tad too specific), was I wrong?

    That being said, I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to tell me your point of view as, since I posted my comment earlier I was a bit perplexed by the few downvotes it received. Now, I get it or maybe I still don’t, but at the very least I have some clue why it’s happening :)

    Edit: rephrased the first sentence in a more correct English. Hopefully.

  • Reddit, and hopefully Lemmy will get there too ;)

    Also, I quite like using Kagi search engine (paid) for its neat features. Things like

    • No Ads and no SEO to ruin the results.
    • Blocking/Lowering/Raising certain domains from the search results. So, I never have to even see the name of those turd websites that specialise in SEO-optimized or AI-vomited non-content.
    • Small Web, which only search small websites
    • Lenses (to focus search on certain type of content/websites)
    • Bangs and a few other more usual stuff one may also find in other search engines.
    • They also have optional AI-stuff, if that is your thing.

    I’ve been using Kagi for almost a full year (it is supposed to renew in a couple days) and I’ve been loving every instant using it. Like really.

    That said, it’s not cheap. Here in Europe (I live in France), it’s 130€ a year (tax-included) for their second-best plan, and I have not yet decided to renew because of that cost. So, the last couple weeks I’ve been forcing myself to use the search engines I used before Kagi to see how well it went (startpage & qwant, mainly). And, yeah, I already miss Kagi a lot ;)