Uhm, I had people interested in my long eyelashes. So the answer is yes, if you wash your hands first.
Meet me on the Internet.
Uhm, I had people interested in my long eyelashes. So the answer is yes, if you wash your hands first.
I have not heard nor seen this before, is it really that consistently misspelled?
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db513.htm#Key_finding Important note:
During July 2021 through December 2023, one-half of teenagers ages 12–17 had 4 hours or more of daily screen time (50.4%).
I wouldn’t be surprised to find teenagers depressed and anxious during a pandemic.
Furthermore it is clear that this study only confirms correlation.
I would call this creature Mother of the Internet if that title wasn’t taken by Radia Perlman.
Here is a reddit comment about (I suppose) this screenshot of a tumblr exchange https://www.reddit.com/r/SapphoAndHerFriend/comments/rbbjsh/comment/hnouwxp/. The comment links to this https://artlark.org/2022/06/11/renee-vivien-the-misunderstood-lesbian-sonneteer/ and quotes
wrongly assumed that the love poems inspired by Natalie Barney were written by a man to his mistress. The two women actually attended a public “misreading” of Vivien’s poetry incognito, and according to Barney’s account, were forced to stifle their giggles at the lecturer’s mistake.
Skepticism is as essential as empathy on the internet.
I agree with you. There isn’t even a proper job for the void - no one needs art to be eaten up because nearly everyone has space.
Oh I am using the one that is automatically created by the canvas, it links to your federated account and that allows anyone to chat with you by finding your pixels on the canvas.
When Canvas comes back online, I am thinking of adding “BAY 12” under the logo. https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=597&y=161&zoom=22&tu=https%3A%2F%2Flemmy.world%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F9dbd8a01-b8cc-4743-abc3-1eecc44562d5.png&tw=13&tx=588&ty=147&ts=NUMBERS
Do you know what is the
overlaying the D20?
Have you logged into chat on canvas? Someone has requested for the logo to be moved!
Thank you for the update… the name seems strange to me.
So they are able to jump only when they are hungry and hence light?
The lighting is very well done!
huh. convenient
Maybe I am using the search engine incorrectly?
https://upvote.au/comment/949970 - I was referring to your instance. It is yours right? It does feel counterintuitive to use a closed source client to access an open-source network. If I may ask, how did you make the decision to use boost for lemmy?
Boundaries and preferences yes!