It is unfortunate. May this conflict end swiftly.
It is unfortunate. May this conflict end swiftly.
Maybe if people didn’t go out of their way to say shit like this, missing my point and insulting me with reading the rest of thread, then men would respect women more and there’d be fewer misogynists. But no. You did. Congrats. I suggest you change your ways before you inadvertently spread misogynism with your feminism like I’m guessing you’ve done before.
That kind of opsec violation makes being a US soldier so dangerous it’s stupid to every person with a brain who could possibly serve here.
The bad karma for bombing people who attacked one of our warships is nothing (because it’s fair if not brutal) compared to putting every single service member here in danger.
Yes. It’s not just sexual it’s about being close and open to people. I brought up escorts, and not hookers, because a lot of escorts do emotional support for their clients too in a way a therapist can’t. Good emotional support, from anywhere, can be worth more than therapy and unlike therapy there’s no paper trail insurance or govs can use against you.
Therapy is good if you think you have a condition and need a diagnosis and recommendation for a medication. That and dealing with trauma if you can’t handle it on your own. Otherwise it’s smarter to avoid it, use friends for support, and do your own research (assuming you know how to research better than a maga).
With Trump in office a lot of taxes go back to billionaires.
Is it a cure? No, but it’s usually a better treatment than what therapy offers, mental health requires constant maintenance, and in a lot of ways it’s smarter to keep your mental conditions off of a record authoritarians can use against you.
Not to mention I’ve seen people create more problems for themselves by focusing on them too much. Too much therapy is worse than too little.
Yes but also definitely no.
I’ve been to therapy and no amount of conversation or drugs can replace genuine intimacy and a lot of single men would have their mental health improved more by an escort than a therapist.
Huh. As an American I think you mean give money to billionaires because I don’t see shit from your 2% personally besides douchebags flexing.
Yeah. A lot of folks I’ve met view it as fiscally conservative though.
If you don’t need a credit card, don’t get one.
If you have one, cancel it and use a bank card. If you can’t do that, pay off your debts then do that.
A lot of people suck with money because the idea of going into debt, taking loans, and paying interest is normal and sometimes good to them but really It’s weird and should be avoided for the sake of harmony.
Is it by magical means? Then name calling, mostly to watch Trump deal with it.
I’ve heard it more the exact opposite way. “I vote Democrat but I am really tired liberals doing nothing to curb government corruption or tax the rich more.”
You aren’t. I’m new I didn’t see it until now. Oof.
Fair but if they did a random Japanese samurai and not Yasuke this would’ve gone over a lot better for them. This aside, until Ubisoft expresses gamers should own games I won’t buy or play any Ubisoft titles on principle and I don’t think anyone else should either. That the people who’d play this anyway and defend Ubisoft are just supporting a company whose death would benefit all gamers.
Ah I see now. Thanks!
I am on voyager and I do not have access to this feature.
Then why Yasuke and not Musashi or someone who was more interesting and significant to Japanese history? They couldn’t have chosen a more DEI Samurai.
That said, putting it that way does feel more racist than I like even though it’s a funny way to put it.
Coming from Reddit I feel Lemmy could use a way to sort posts within communities by top posts within a time frame we choose. That without this feature gamers and gooners will default to reddit over Lemmy.
Technically you have a kidnapping not a lynching. Lynching leave more evidence.
Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? Lynchings end in hanging for all to see it’s what defines them. Am I wrong?
Israel can be mean, it is out of my hands.