Cool. Is there a goal for the wooly mammoths or is it just to prove that we can?
Cool. Is there a goal for the wooly mammoths or is it just to prove that we can?
Ich bin da beim Originalplakatierer. Infrastruktur in Deutschland ist Müll, und zu verdanken haben wir das dem CDU-Omelette Kohl, sowie seinen spirituellen Nachfolgern, die nach wie vor hoffen, dass sich physische Limitationen von Kupferkabeln durch sitzen und warten irgendwie aushebeln lassen.
Ich würde ja auch gerne Backups bei Verwandten lagern, aber auf diese Weise müsste ich sie, und jedes Mal 2 Stunden der Innenräume der deutschen Bahn, öfter sehen, als mir lieb ist. (Hey, eine weitere durch die CDU verfallene Infrastruktur.)
Aber hey, immerhin könnte bei mir Glasfaser ausgebaut werden. Der Vermieter will nur nicht, vermutlich weil er mit dem lokalen Kabelanbieter einen Deal hat. Falls da jemand einen heißen Tipp hat, bitte immer raus damit. Ich würde gerne im 21. Jahrhundert leben😭
Das passiert wohl mit dem Alter…😅
That may be the case, but doesn’t change the fact, that games run better without Denuvo.
It also doesn’t change the fact that the activation limit is stupid as hell when you are using Linux and every Proton change counts as a new activation.
As far as I know Denuvo also hinders the development of native Linux builds of games.
And if you see video games as art, Denuvo actively stands in the way of preservation.
Obviously it is anti-consumer as you can’t do backups, need constant internet convection, if any part of the chain breaks you are screwed out of your game, it hinders mod developers and so on.
Time for another before/after performance comparison, just for an ignorant Denuvo salestwat to say: “Nuh-Uh”
Godot quickly became one of my favourite open source projects to watch. I played around with it for a bit when 3D was clearly an afterthought and seen continuous improvement ever since.
-1 for INWX. Still waiting on a domain transfer, domain is stuck for about a month, chat support was useless
Yeah, min-max that shit and live your happily ever after.
Die CDU will halt nur eine Schlägerei verhindern und die Heute Show vor Frau Merz schützen…
I have it running. For epic games it mostly is a reminder to start Heroic, as the auto claim does not work for me. Gog rarely has free games, so I am not sure. Amazon Prime works fine (sometimes it has codes for gog/epic), which can also be used with Heroic.
Such a good series, but I deliberately didn’t mention it here as not to spoil too much😅
Wilder Weg einen Notruf abzusetzen. Aber gut, dass es scheinbar funktioniert hat?😅
Religion might be right and you end up in the bad place
With modern life being as it is, we would be screwed either way in most religions. Everyone is probably breaking at least a couple of dozen rules in every religion.
Even if you just need to follow a central “be kind”-rule - how kind is it to buy stuff on Amazon, packed and delivered by wage slaves, which was imported from China (which may include child or slave labour) [or some US states for that matter] while also hurting the environment in the process.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Such a good reward, where can I take this challenge?
Messenger sind halt aus Security Sicht gar nicht so einfach. Signal ist zwar US based, aber derzeit der einzige Messenger den man den meisten Leuten, die Sicherheit möchten, halbwegs bedenkenlos in die Hand drücken kann.
Hier zum Beispiel ein (englischer) Blogbeitrag eines (Furry) Sicherheitsforschers zu Threema:
Ist natürlich jetzt auch schon 4 Jahre her, müsste man gucken, ob sich Threema seitdem gebessert hat.
Dauntless, one of Epic’s first exclusives is shutting down on May 29th. An (ironic) post about which was shared here on Steam, if you want to see it
I am a bit sad for what could have been. But I am not surprised at all.
The game basically always stagnated and content came way to slow. Cosmetics and the battle pass were updated regularly though. Anyway since the game was dying, they brought an “big rework” and brought the game, previously only available on Epic, to Steam.
The big rework changed most of the game into a grindfest/paywall, especially for new players. Old players were shafted as in weapons, builds, armour they spend time grinding for was removed from them to enable a “fresh start”.
That obviously did not turn out well with new and old players. And now they are going to the live service game graveyard. Anyway fuck Phoenix Labs (and more specifically Forte Labs, a bunch of cryptocurrency twats who bought the former studio), another company blacklisted and I will never buy anything from again.
Give everyone Indian accents?
Very, very cautiously. It looks better than previous games on Switch, but still not good. On the other hand: maybe they are showing this footage from a Switch 2.
Leider nicht “nur”. Glücksspiel zerstört aktiv Leben von Süchtigen, aber hey, das ist wohl ein notwendiges Opfer für den Gott namens Kapitalismus. Meine Tante arbeitet in so einer Spilo. Die Leute stehen ne halbe Stunde vor Öffnung da und werden ruppig bis handgreiflich, wenn sie bei Schließung wieder gehen müssen. Teilweise tragen sie Windeln, damit sie die Automaten nicht verlassen müssen.