Just had the bathroom flooring redone and some boxing removed, which has exposed some wall that wasn’t visible before. Need to fill in, sand and repaint this section so it matches the rest of the room!
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3
My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk
Just had the bathroom flooring redone and some boxing removed, which has exposed some wall that wasn’t visible before. Need to fill in, sand and repaint this section so it matches the rest of the room!
In the past I’m sure it used to be the case that generally Amazon was the cheapest option for things like books and games. And quite rapidly they came to control more areas of the retail market. For a lot of people I know, Amazon represents the most affordable and convenient option in their minds when shopping for ANY product. But whilst this may be true in certain cases, it’s actually not for many others. I think there’s some psychology going on which prevents people from wanting to shop elsewhere, or realising that products could be cheaper if they did so. The convenience of fast shipping, the dopamine hit of ordering something and the associated anticipation, and the supposed ‘great deals’ of the big sales. It blinds people to the fact that local is often cheaper and better.
I don’t know your situation of course, but I think going to places and talking to people is generally a good thing :) I sometimes dread social interactions, but only by actually interacting with others can I improve.
I guess in that case there are usually specialist independent websites. It might not local, but at least it’s not Amazon.
Oh yeah for sure - buying clothes online really isn’t fun. I dread to think how much energy and effort is wasted shipping these items back and forth when someone buys something online and then returns it. I think to some extent the modern internet has trained people to leave everything until the last minute and rely on fast shipping. Rather than plan to physically visit a store a few days in advance, things are done online the day beforehand using a vastly inferior system.
Oh that’s such a good idea! I haven’t seen that over here but I hope it catches on
It’s a great little shop - tons of games to play, reasonable table charges and some really great cocktails too! I love seeing companies like that thriving.
It’s so weird. Because it has a black protagonist and isn’t ‘historically accurate’? In a game series in which a fictional secret society of assassins controls the world?
I’ve seen some hate on Lemmy too. Is there a legit reason to hate Ubisoft or is it mostly just terminally online losers scared of ‘wokeness’?
I’m out of the loop here - why is this game getting so much hate? Reviews seem ok?
ha that’s so weird, this exact thing happened to me last week
I’d recommend starting with a pre-made ref sheet template so you can just focus on the colours/markings :3
Aw, raccoon fursuits are always really cute! Perhaps just ‘Meso’ would work?
I think it might help if you draw out a ref sheet for your sona before designing a head, so there’s consistency with the design, and you can figure out any issues before making the jump to three dimensions ^^
I’m afraid I can’t offer any advice, but I’d also be interested to hear what people have to say on this topic as I’d love to make a partial myself. What’s your sona?
Glad to see this game mentioned! I played it last year and it was pure fun throughout. Super charming
I suppose if you try and distil any history down into a single unified theory it’s gonna have caveats. Yes, the world is infinitely more complex than the simplistic version he creates, but I think the broad strokes are there. If nothing else it’s a jumping off point to get people interested in the evolution of civilisations and will hopefully encourage people to follow up with their own research.
I read a book called Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond which was quite good. It explores why certain civilisations were able to conquer others
It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, 10 Dollars?
I think I saw one of these when I visited Berlin but didn’t try it. Is the food just crap or?
Do 4D beings have 3D puzzles that would have the same issue for us? 🤔
Oh yeah +1 to Argos and Lakeland. A little bit pricier, but worth it for the superior quality. I love my OXO can opener lol