• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Just to further add, stock buybacks were considered “stock market manipulation” for a reason. Though the rules were put in place to protect investors, not the rest of us. This still has created a situation that most of us would agree on the framework conflicting with the concept of public trust. That being the concentration of wealth at the top and the SEC’s rules having been changed in 1982 through the efforts of lobbyists over the years. Were the SEC’s rules about securities, and the FTC to return to accountability exempt from lobbied interests, exactly what you just described would be flipped on its head, as we’d be having conversations about the Public Trust and anti-trust instead of bullshit about how the Fed does stuff that benefits wealthy vs fucking over the 98% of US citizens.

  • He claims the developers are hostile to negative feedback, but for anyone who follows the issue trackers they’re actually quite open to feature requests. Some get tasked with milestone goals, some for final release, but it’s based on available resources and reasonable timelines.

    He also claims Gnome implements things people ask for, which is one of the most hilariously inaccurate statements I have ever seen in my entire life.

    From one of the comments in this video, my personal favorite is “wake up babe, new vaxry drama dropped”. If he read the issue trackers on github, he would see just how aware the devs are of what they need to work on. It’s actually been pretty awesome to see the prioritization of work and estimated timelines.