Any pronouns are alright
Espero que em 2025 não seja igual foi esse ano que os ingressos esgotaram na mesma hora que a loja virtual abriu ;–;
I tried but it doesn’t work with usernames that end with special characters like _
When I read “Proposal in Disneyland” I expected it to go horribly wrong somehow, but this was so cute kjdhfgkjsdhgkjds
I’ve tried being nocturnal for some time before I started going to college. I got more productive with my studies, but then my heart rate started acting weird, having spikes in random moments, and I decided to stop. My heart rate returned to normal after that.
woah your answer was wilder than my bf’s story about his stone. Went beyond my expectations. Congrats :v
my bf once used a cum shot to ““get it out faster”” once
Imagino que o motivo de ter pouco imposto para agropecuária é porque essa é a maior fonte de renda pro país. Carne, produtos de cultivo e minério estão entre as coisas que a gente mais exporta. O governo provavelmente evita por muito imposto sobre isso porque quer incentivar que isso continue, e se colocasse, poderia afetar negativamente a economia do país como um todo, mesmo que diminua a desigualdade social.
Entendo quase nada de economia, então agradeço se alguém quiser explicar melhor ou me corrigir.
tinha peixa naquele rio???
“who is this boy? Is he a friend of yours?”
I like the extra tiny fan under de graphics card. Looks cute :3
com esse driver vai ser possível usar o shadowplay no linux?
I don’t understand why the http doesn’t redirect to the https
talvez seja possível ter um smartwatch normal desconectado da Internet e usar o GadgetBridge pra coletar os dados de maneira privada.
Are you sure it’s the case and not the dvd player? My old PS2 would scratch the disks with its lens and made circular scratches similar to this.
I know. I just haven’t found a server to create an account at yet. I’ll look into this one gou mentioned. Thank you! ^w^
Not what I was expecting from this cover image, but it’s really good!