ThomasMuentzner [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2021

  • Because the Soviets – rightly – decried geopolitical realism as imperialist apologia. You’re citing imperialist apologia. As a so-called leftist.

    what ? maybe actually concern yourself with the TOPIC… not with the Messanger ? Do you Think i am Vladimir Putin ? That i controll the Russian army ? I explaine to you “Russias Course” of action , I am not Russia , i am a Person explaining to you the Thoughts of Russia , BECAUSE THEY ARE RELEVENT TO THE SITUATION, Russia has a Full Strategic Array , World most advanced Nuclear and Missile Technology and Security council seat and hundreds of Tousends of Soldiers ,you are probably not even valued more then Medicine by your state , Russias Opinion is RELEVANT to the Situation they are way more relevent then your thought s and my thoughts … The Sowjet union is Dead , she Preached many great thinks we all love and miss her dearly …

    We are the “dirtbag” left , you dont scare or scold us with your purity fetish…

    And Chomsky denying genocides, do I really have to go into that

    which one ? Uigurs, Palestina or Great Replacementtheory … ?

  • you are very good at repeating slander ! We are very good in seeing through it …

    tell me why would you miss out on a “A leftie citing a Realist” and a “serial genocide denier larping as an Anarchist” sounds interesting … also its required from you, Your not a serious Person if and worth the discussion if “listening to the Dissent” is to much to ask for you …

    Imaging in a Court

    “the evidence is not relevant because it was filmed by a Japanse camera , and the Japanese are dirty , i will not watch this , Also take me Serious please !”

  • Sorry the first reply was to “Fronting” , your on a good way , the Maidan spell sits deep , it also sat deep in me once. True Power is True Power , and if you ever heard of “Softpower” … this is it …

    That you currently belive that the “Maidan” is the great and Glorious Peoples Will" & “The Donbass revolution is is perfidious Russian lies” and against the will of the People" is US Softpower …

    if you ever heard about the Concept ,SOFTPOWER it is the ability of the US State to make you Hate somebody.

    conservative traditionalist fascistic authoritarian theocracies deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth and swept into the dustbin of history where they fucking belong.

    i think you heard about it… ,

  • Russia’s used the “turnabout is fair play” card in ‘encouraging’ ‘veterans’ to ‘volunteer’ ‘assisting’ ‘separatist insurgents’ in Donbas

    Okay so you claim that the Revolution that the left part of the Map does is Legit , and “wholisitc Peoples will” (even through its leads to Civil War ) … the REACTION of the Part of the Country that just lost THEIR FUCKING PRESIDENT AND THE RIGHT TO SPEAK THEIR OWN LANGUAGE , is just a Russian Operation ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Maidan : "Fuck yeah TV told me ! "

    "Slavyiansk , Odessa , Kramatosrk , Donestk , Luhansk , Mariupol , kherson , Kharkov , Dneperpetrosk , Crimea etc. all rebellling in Reaction ? " , “well thats just a russian operation , i can not forgive them !!!”

    okay imagine Canada has a Quebecian President , he then gets unconstituionally removed by Canadian Faschist in the non french speaking Capital , the New Goverment that spend all their time proclaiming their Hate for Quebecians and forbides the french Language , and you try to go around telling me that the

    "Seperatist movement gathering in Quebec is some perfidious French operation … nothing natural about it … they Love beeing bombed & hated , you have fallen for French Missinformation Sweety "

  • behind the spoiler is a Dissent, a Hexbear scary opinion , A Not Mainstream Opinion , A Non Stenography of US Media and bad spelling


    there is no greater crime as Genocide , this perfidious usage of this word by Mainstream media and the easly impressed and mislead is to be opossed , GENOCIDE is the willfull extermination of a Hole Culture Group , it is the Highest of all Atrocities And Accusations , Do you understand that there is no higher accusation… Genocide is the Limit…

    The highest accusation demands SOME Evidence… !

    If not the Single Muslim Nation supports any Genocide Accusation , if Not even Most European Nations do so , if the UN send like 5 Inspections and found nothing … if the hole study that all these accusations stem from are from a Fake Evengalized German Professor that writes book about the who gets into Heaven on Rapture day. then sorry ,

    This Uigur thing is actually a “Anglo Media Island” phenomen … like even France etc. its not very prominent , its a little bit to On the Nose bullshit one should not go around repeating Genocide Accusations , you are extremly insulting to the Victims of Genocide , Muslims and Palestine , you diminsh the Word , you make it a Joke …please see wisdom , not TV …