The more steam deck and proton get games working on linux, the less need I have for this bloated windows.
Hit or miss
The more steam deck and proton get games working on linux, the less need I have for this bloated windows.
If only someone would replace it with something else har.
I agree when it comes to the laptop batteries making it hard to replace them. But I do think that processors, memory and ssds fail a lot less often than hdds. However it’s not a reason to not make their M-something SoC modular. They need to be close together? Sure make sockets for all the parts close to each other… but they wont.
I think more people might be ready to admit it, because it becomes more and more acceptable.
Maybe it’s a language barrier thing “come here” sounds rude to my German brain. Like an order you give a dog, not the way you ask a person to come to you. “Check this out” seems the same but it sounds much better to me.
Yes consensual bondage lobster play.
Being called conservative for using firefox is mean!
There should be a law prohibiting these payment companies to be picky when it comes to legal transactions.
Generous optimistic math, she was most likely 14.
I would make it impossible for women to be subjected to posts like this.
Nein, weil eine Gruppe von Menschen die angegriffen wurden öffentlich Unterstützung erfahren fühle ich mich nicht vernachlässigt. Ich finde das Problem wenn Männer geschlagen werden wird zu wenig diskutiert, weil es zu wenig diskutiert wird.
I’m on it in Testfight, it’s interesting for like 3 days, now it’s already dying down.
Pro: highly adaptable, Con: ADHD, Pro: free medication
Many rich people fall into the trap of legitimizing their wealth to themselves the wrong way. Everyone, not just super rich people, had some help during their career. Everyone got lucky at some point too. Connections, inheritances, family friends and so on.
But the wrong way to go about it is to just say, if I can do it and so many others cant, it must be their fault. They must be lazy or stupid or both…
Even people who just won the lottery, so actually really just got lucky, can fall into that trap. And the they start to treat others according to their net worth.
Obwohl ich weder auf dem Land lebe, noch zu weit von meiner Arbeit entfernt, benötige ich mit den öffentlichen fast doppelt so lange als mit dem Auto. Es ist ein sparsames kleines Auto, also kostet die Bahn auch trotz erhöhten Spritkosten noch etwas mehr. Wie soll sich da was wenden? Homeoffice ist das einzige was bei mir der Umwelt hilft.
Is it spreading, or is this like “why do so many women suddenly get autism” misconception?
I don’t want to limit my empathy to people who only meet specific qualifications.
Das können doch höchstens noch 10 Jahre sein. Ist doch gar nix. Bei mir sind’s noch, lass mal rechnen, alle Jahre.
It should either moderate or filter bot accounts.