Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 102 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Yeah the US only became…

    … The US.

    Because of the World Wars.

    Europe, the then-seat of every worldwide empire, was killing itself and dragging all of Asia and Africa down with them.

    The Americas in general were “safe”. Isolated from this chaos. Every country in the New World got a boost from the wars.

    … But the US had a nation that was a. Fully Independent b. Relatively Stable and c. Rich in resources – So they basically got a decade-and-change of time to develop themselves while everyone who had previosly been rich and powerful was getting fucked, and by the time the dust settled, they were the top dogs just because they were lucky.

  • I love pretty much every animal depending on how I’m feeling that day.

    So here’s one pick from each major category I can think of:

    • Cnidarian: Portuguese Man-o-war. I just think they’re neat.
    • Worm: Leeches. They look cool.
    • Mollusk: Blue-ringed octopus. Dangerous boios with pretty colours
    • Arthropod: Ants. Eusocial insects are so cool!
    • Fish: No
    • Amphibian: Any large toad. They look funny.
    • Reptile: Tegu, they’re like the cats of reptiles.
    • Bird: Corvids in general. Crows, ravens, etc. Playful smart cuties.
    • Mammal: So many choices… But I’ll go with Raccoons. They have grabby little hands and funny lil’ masks. They are ADORABLE.

  • I see what you’re saying

    And it’s correct


    A lot of people also long for the relative simplicity and predictability of peasant life.

    What is the entirety of the cottagecore aesthetic if not a longing for that? (well, that and a hint of racism but y’know y’know y’know)

  • Hey

    They didn’t just thrust spears

    They also thrust their “spears” into their battle-brothers

    Greek soldiers were SUPER GAY.

    What I’m saying is – If a lost hoplite ever found themselves in the 21st century, alllllll you’d need to do. Is point them to the nearest gym. They’d bond with the local queer gymbros and IMMEDIATELY feel right at home.

  • One of them is only known to history by his literal wrestler alias, because he was a wrestler before he became a philosopher.

    Greek philosophers would be more perturbed by the fact that we don’t have slavery (/DO have automaton slaves for a lot of jobs but DON’T spend 99% of the day fucking around, and instead just keep producing more and more useless shit) than anything related to our jokes and memes.

  • Lutris is just for organization, and managing the Wineprefixes. I don’t even use it as an installer per se. I install manually with wine and then point Lutris to the right prefix and game executable.

    Anyway, the steps outright skipped are:

    • Having to unlock the FS for writing and set up SSH and (…) – This is a security liability if you CARE. I don’t, I just think it’s more effort than necessary.
    • Transferring the game folder from a PC to the Deck, since you just. Do it all inside the deck itself.

    It’s no big deal doing either of those, but I find it less of a hassle.

    My procedure for pirated games, on both PC and deck is:

    • On terminal, create a prefix by using export WINEPREFIX=. Like /home/myuser/Games/NameOfTheGame/pfx
    • Run winetricks -q corefonts – The fonts ensure the installer won’t have any rendering errors, plus running winetricks at least once forces wine to create the prefix’s folder structure.
    • Run the installer from the same terminal session, just doing wine Setup.exe
    • Usually install to /home/myuser/Games/NameOfTheGame/game for organisation’s sake, but this is unnecessary and requires dealing with Wine’s handling of your unix folders which is always slightly annoying.

    From here, you could launch the game directly through Steam, but then Steam would create its own prefix, and some games require fiddling around with the things installed on the wineprefix (or with envvars or…), which is why I use Lutris as a middleman, as it ensures the game will run on the prefix I created, and if anything is missing, I can winetricks it. Lutris even offers a ‘create Steam shortcut’ option to make it all look neat on the Deck’s console mode screen.

  • I often get really grumpy because in my dreams, my brain feels effortlessly creative (though perhaps creative in a less ‘literature classic’ way and more ‘best of Ao3’ way)

    Then again, maybe it’s just my buzzed sleep-brain THINKING the ideas it comes up with feel creative and entertaining, as I tend to forget most of the minute details of my storyline-dreams except for some general ideas.

    I remember a dream about being a journalist in a dictatorial society, in a fight with my fellow journalists and two rival newspapers over whether we should uphold the truth or just publish slop that the government approved of, knowing that the latter would earn us a comfortable living and the former was a bankruptcy-at-the-nicest scenario. All tied up in a complex web of interpersonal drama between all those people including myself, who all had a shared past.

    Then I have the joke dreams. Love when those happen. It’s like a nightmare except instead of waking up with a scream, I wake up with a laugh. The other day I dreamed that I looked at a television, and it showed the opening animation for a news program, but the program was called “ESPETA O CU” (“prick your ass”) and I laughed so hard I woke up.

  • I didn’t have any objects.

    What I did have was a seemingly inocuous video tape. It was called ‘Steps’, and it was a series of simple childrens’ songs for foreign kids who were learning english.

    But there were TWO songs that really, REALLY freaked the fuck out of 5 year old me.

    The first one was a song about how a kid went to school and had a red pencil etc. – Except it was sung in this very dramatic, very soulful voice that made it feel like we were supposed to mourn the death of this poor kid who had gone to school and never returned.

    The second one was a song about eating your vegetables and shit. Think of any song like that, what you’re imagining is probably pretty close to what it was like in the tape. But the imagery consisted of some singing fruit. And there was a bit where an apple would look right at the viewer – And SMILE. With a set of (what seemed to be, it’s been 25 years) VERY REALISTIC HUMAN TEETH.

    These two songs always had me running for cover behind the couch. Surprisingly I enjoyed the rest of the tape.