Euro Truck Simulator 2 … somewhere around Berlin
Euro Truck Simulator 2 … somewhere around Berlin
Only reason i dont like wheat beers is that its rly hard on the brewing equipment , but if ya buying from a brewery and not making ur own its all the same goodness
Well , money making isnt the goal for those guys
Is freyr still op on low elos ? Couldnt play teams without one person having it and steamrolling the wings … kinda stopped playing MP cuz of it
Deffo , peter jackson literally just gave us nz and we were like :0
Agreed , my buddy and i tried to make some dark beer when we were in our brewing faze and it tasted like shit lol
Here you can find movies that are priced around 1 hr of min wage at fairly decent theaters , so lots of ppl go to a theater for a big release. And i support 1/3 of the title , we kinda need more good comedies that arent slapstic humour but some good comedic social commentairy told trough humour and not another “dystopian vibes” action movie
Lagers are usually bottom of the barrel beers in my experience, but if you enjoy them its the right beer for you … i like dark beers , taste of caramelised malt cant be beaten
I want some good stouts that dont taste like drinking charcoal piss , our local breweries are just making IPAs cuz its known around
Long route passenger trains with stops in small villages and going trough scenic routes … that or a long distance trucking ( in europe )
Dark has been a big hit in Serbia for some reason , i never finished it but i love s1 and 2
Also another german one is “How to sell drugs online (fast)” and its rly cool one
Smoking , oil industry and clinate change , sugar industry and fat … its a bit of capitalism problem imo
Aldi nord or sud ?
Jesus i miss that time , counter intel was so easy back then
Couple centuries of propaganda and pseudoscience does that to people
If only they knew